Chapter 7: When we met

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My family and I went to the Arc de Triomphe today. That was one of the sights I was always lookig forward to see. It was sunny and the temperature was very pleasant. Not too warm but not cold. We went through the Champs Elyseé towards it. At all the fancy designer shops we glanced at all the rich people who can effort going for a big shop in there. I have to admit that there are some things I would die for, but they are so damn expensive! Why do they do this? This is torture for every girl! Anyways my sister pretendet to be a rich snob girl and she lookes hilarious. Even Zac played with her and Dylan and I had to laugh a lot, because they were so amazing actors!

When we came to the Arc de Triomphe we seperated, so everybody could take their pictures individually. My mother went with Zac, Gina and Dad, Dylan went with another girl he met yesterday and they arranged to meet again and so I went alone. I had no problem with it. So I could look at the things I want as long as I wish. I took many Fotos of the city when we went up on the viewing platform on the top of it. I looked around. I love watching and taking pictures of different groups of people. When I stood there and looked down a bunch of people caught my eye. I could see 3 people with long hair and 6 people with shorter hair. They looked so funny from the top! Now one blond guy was chased by a boy with longer brown hair. They were running around like crazy and didn't really care if they hit other tourists. I had to smile. I took some more Fotos and decided to slowly go down again. By the time I got down I couldn't see anyone from my family, so I decided to keep wandering around by myself. I looked through the lense of my camera when I saw them again. The group of funny people I already saw from the top. I zoomed so I could see them better. They still were acting crazy and I still liked it so I took some pictures and kept watching them. (A/N: She isn't a stalker or so! she just finds it interesting to see how different people behave in public or what they look like and so on. Don't think that she's weird! :-D) One of the two girls wore a tutu and had long blonde hair. She looked so funny but very nice and like a lot of fun! The 5 boys were joking all the time, because they burst out into laughing quite a lot. Suddenly one of them turned his head in my direction. He was tall, had blonde hair and a broad grin in his face. He kept on looking at me, well I guess it was me, and I kept looking at him through my camera. From here he looked very good, so I pressed the button to take a picture of him and 3 other boys, who stood around him. Another blonde guy whispered something in the ear of the boy, who was looking at me. He turned his head back and all 4 of these boys started laughing. Two older people were standing a bit next to the whole group. I reckon they were their parents. I don't know why, but all these faces looked familiar, but they were too far away to say who I think they are. I suddenly realized, that I was staring at them very long, so I turned my back to them and concentrated on the war memorials again.

Ross point of view:

My family, Rattliff, Rocky's girlfriend Caitlyn and I were in Paris for vacation. We will stay there for 3 weeks. Sightseeing, fun and just relaxing were the key words for our trip. This time out will be good for all of us. We all had a lot of things to do in our everyday life. We all had the band and I had my acting career. We arrived here 3 days ago and we planned to go to the Arc de Triomph today. I was in a really good mood this day, so when we went there, we behave a bit like children, but we didn't care. When I joked about Rocky and his girlfriend Caitlyn he tried to catch me and so we ran around the place without caring if we hit someone. After we calmed down a bit we went around and looked at the war memorial and the view from the top. It was amazing! We were standing around and I was a bit bored, so I walked around. And then I saw her: a beautiful girl! She was wearing a jumper with white and red stripes, a jeans vest over it, dark blue jeans, red Converse and her dark brown hair was put together to a ponytail, that was a bit messy (picture on the side). Together it looked absolutely stunning. She was taking pictures, so I couldn't see her face clearly. I went back to the others to tell them. "What's up, Ross?", Rocky asked me. Riker and Ell heard that and came over, too. "Well,", I started and scratched my neck. Riker started grinning. "Ok, which girl did you find? Did you talk to her?" I hate it, that my brothers always know what I was feeling. I felt myself blushing. "She looked amazing, but I didn't speak to her." "What did she look like?", Ell asked. "Long dark brown, wavy hair. good body. I was too far away to see her face clearly." " Nice." "Well Rocky, because we don't need to find anything for you, I guess we have to have a closer look Ell!" We all laughed and then looked around. Ellington didn't get his task. Instead of looking out for good looking girls, he picked out the ugly ones and made fun of them. Riker, Rocky and I were laughing all the time! Ell was hilarious. I turned around to see what kind of girls there were behind me and I saw her again. She was lookig through her camera and even if I wasn't able to see her face again, I couldn't help it, but stare at her. After a few moments I heard Riker say next to me: "That's her?" "Yes" "Good choice, mate! I'm happy that you learned anything from us! Now, come on, Tiger. Get her!" I turned my head and all 4 of us started laughing. He was right. I gotta talk to her! "So how do we get her to talk to you?" "Good question, Ell!", Rocky said. "But I have an idea! Hey, guys. Come over here for a second!" The rest of our family gathered around. "How about taking a family picture of all of us?" "Oh yes, good idea!", said Rydel excitedly. "But who should take the picture?" "I can take it, so you folks are on it.", Caitlyn offered. "No, babe! You gotta be on the picture, too! How about asking this girl over there. With the red and white striped jumper and the camera?" Rocky winked at me. So did Rydel and Ryland and both of them started smiling knowingly. "Ok, I'll go and ask her." "Take your time!", Ryland smirked. "We aren't in a hurry!", Rydel added grinning. I walked over to where she stood. 'Ok, Ross. You can do this. Just go there and say' "Hi" She turned around. Wow! Her face was even moe beautiful than i imagined. She had bright, shiny blue-green eyes, which are framed from dense eye-lashes, a quite pale skin, that looked fantastic with her dark hair, and full, rosy lips. She smiled "Hi" I was shaking a bit, but I think she didn't notice. "How are you? I'm Ross."

Brianna POV

"Hi", said suddenly a voice behind me. I turned around and couldn't believe who was standing in front of me. The boy, I was watching before through my camera. And now I know, why this face was so familiar. This boy was nobody else than Ross Lynch. My celebrity crush, lead singer from R5, my favorite band. Wow! "Hi", I replied and I couldn't believe how calm my voice sounded. I was freaking out inside! "How are you? I'm Ross.", he smiled. "I know." Oh no. Did I say that out loud? I didn't want to! That's so embarrassing! He will think I'm a freaky groupie or so. "I mean: I'm good, what about you? And I'm Brianna by the way." "Nice name! And I'm great. So, you know me, ae?", he smirked. I was blushing. "Well, yes I do." "Cool! So from where do you know me? TV or from the band?" "Well unfortunately R5 is my favorite band but I also know you from the TV." "Sounds good. Your name sounds beautiful as well! And I'm great today." I was blushing again. Could I please stop that! "Good to know.", I smiled. "Well, what I wanted to ask you. We wanted to have a family picture and I wanted to ask you if you could take it, please?" He pointed to the rest of his family. As I looked more carefully I recognized Rydel in her Tutu, Rocky with his longer brown hair and Riker with blonde hair. I smiled. "Of course." "Great, thank you! Come with me!" Together we went to the others. Riker and Rydel were standing around with a camera so we headed to them to get it. As we came nearer they looked up and smiled at Ross. I think I could see Riker wink, but I maybe just imagined it. "Guys, this is Brianna.", he said to Riker and Rydel. He turned to me and laughed. "Well I guess I don't have to tell you, who this is, do I?" "Haha no, thank you, but I know who that is!" I laughed too and looked at Riker and Rydel, who both looked confused. "I'm a fan!" "Oh, haha. Nice to meet you!", Rydel laughed. Riker smiled. "Yes, nice to meet you and thanks for taking the picture!" They explained to me what buttons I have to press and then they all lined up for the picture. Ross was standing between Ryland and his father. They all looked so happy. I took a few pictures from different perspectives and with different poses. When I was finished Ross headed over to me followed by Rydel and Riker to have a look at the pictures. "Thanks, they're perfect!", Ross said smiling. "Do you have a phone with camera with you?", Riker asked me. "Yes, why?" Rydel laughed. "So we can take a picture with you as a little 'thank you', silly" "Oh, sure, haha." I got out my iPhone and we lined up. I was standing between Rydel and Ross and Riker stood behind me. I felt an arm wrapping around me. I looked at Ross and smiled. He smiled back and then we took a few fotos. "Thanks, that is amazing!", I said pointing at my phone. "You're welcome!", Ross grinned. "Bri?" I heard the sound of Dylans voice behind me. "Bri, there you are. We've been looking for you! We want to grab some food. I'm starving!" "And let me guess: Zac is hungry, too?! Ok, I'll come immediately, promise." I looked back at Ross, Riker and Rydel, but there was something in Ross' look. Was that jealousy? "That's my older brother Dylan. And the rest of the family is over there." I pointed at the spot where my family was standing. Now there was definitely disappointment in Ross' face. "I'm sorry, but I gotta go now! Thank you for the pictures! That is absolutely fantastic!" I smiled sadly at Ross. "Pitty! Have fun at the rest of your vacation!" Riker hugged me. "It was really cool to meet you!" Rydel hugged me, too. I think we could have been really good friends, so why do we have to leave now? Riker and Rydel headed back to their family, while Ross was staying behind. He looked at me and smiled sadly. "It was awesome to meet you, Brianna. I wish we had more time!" "Yes, me, too! Thank you anyway!" He came near me and hugged me, too. But this hug was different. Longer and more like a big goodbye. "Bri, please!", Zac yelled. "Bye, Ross. Maybe we'll meet again." "Hopefully!" I turned around and left. I was sad. I don't know why. I only know him for half an hour and not even properly, but there was something between us. I could feel that. 'What are you talking about?! He is a star! Don't imagine such things! He won't have felt anything!' Yes, my inner voice was right! There is nothing going on between me and THE Ross Lynch!

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