Chapter 15: The Eiffel Tower

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As we got out of the subway, Ell mentioned that he was hungry. "I think there is a guy selling Crépes and waffles just around the corner. How about a stop there before we go to the Eiffel tower?", Mark suggested. We all agreed and so we went off to grab some food. Stormie and Mark insisted on paying the food for Gina, Zac and me and it took them quite a few minutes to get my mom and dad to let them. Ross and I shared one Crépes with sugar and a waffle with chocolate. Rydel and Ellington did the same as well as Rocky and Caitlyn. I had to smile tho that Ross and I shared food because it was so cute how he tried to eat exactly the half of both things so I didn't get less than him. After we all finished we continued walking again. Still absorbed in talking to Ross and Caitlyn we suddenly heard a scream. It was Gina. "Oh my gosh! Bri look at this! It's stunning!" I felt relief coming over me. I thought she got hurt or something like that, but she wasn't. She only saw it. The actually really stunning Eiffel Tower. "Wow!", I whispered. "Nice, huh?", Caitlyn asked. "Yeah! Absolutely!" "Let's go, let's go, let's go! Hurry!", Zac sad in excitement. He grabbed my and Rocky's hand and pulled us towards the tower. Gina followed with Rydel and Ellington. Now we stood in front of it and we took some pictures. Not only of the tower alone but with the Lynches and Ell and Caitlyn and us. Before going to the elevators to bring us to the top we asked someone to take a picture of the whole group. The Lynch family, Ell, Caitlyn and my family. It was amazing! The picture was so cute because we all were so happy and grinning from ear to ear. I stood between my dad and Gina and Ross was right behind me next to Rocky and Ryland. He had his hands on my shoulders. After that we went to get tickets for the elevator to take us to the top. "I'm afraid we have to get in that line. I'm sorry.", Mark said towards Mom and Dad. "That's alright.", they replied. "We could stand there in pairs. I mean everybody gets a kind of shift and the others can take pictures or anything else. How does that sound?" "Great idea Rocky! How do you think about that, Mr. and Mrs. Woolley?" "That's a really good idea. Thank you Mrs. Lynch and of course thanks Rocky." We all agreed and made little groups. I was with Caitlyn and Rydel so we could chat a bit more about girls stuff, Rocky and Ryland and Ell and Gina, Riker and Ross and Zac, mom and dad and Stormie and Mark. First Rydel, Caitlyn and I walked to that beautiful wide place behind the tower to take pictures and sit down in the grass and talk. "So how long are you and Rocky together, Caitlyn?" "Well we started dating a year ago and we're together now for nearly half a year." "That's too cute! You two are so sweet!" "But they can be so annoying!", Rydel laughed and Caitlyn and I joined. "Well you should shut up, Delly! How long are you and Ellington flirting?" Rydel's laughter now changed into a ashamed look and she blushed very hard. Wait, did I get that right?! Rydellington is actually true? I was fangirling inside! "So you and Ell, Rydellington, is a thing?", I asked. "Not yet but..." Rydel answered really shy and Caitlyn smirked at me and mouthed: "Hopefully soon!" Delly and I both started laughing. "Shut up!", she said hitting Caitlyn. "But I think soon we will have more than two new couples in this family..." "What do you mean?", Delly and I said simultaneous. Then Rydel got it and giggled. Confused I looked from one girl to the other, who both grinned at me. Then there rang a bell in my head. But are they serious? They can't be! That isn't true, is it? "Oh no! No, you don't think that... you can't mean... I..." I couldn't get out more than stuttering words and unfinished sentences. They both grinned even more at me. Before I thought something wrong I asked them who they meant. "Well I reckon that one of my brothers has got an eye on you." "I would say he has got both eyes on her!" We giggled. "And who do you say is that?" "Can't you think of one?" I shrugged because I wanted them to tell me. They looked at each other and said both: "Ross!" I blushed. Wow. Is Ross really that into me that it is so obvious? "How do you feel about him? I mean I see how you look at each other and how you talk and so on." Caitlyn and Rydell seemed so excited. I thought about it and I wanted to answer as Delly's phone rang. "Hello? Oh ok. Great. Yeah we're coming. Ok awesome! See ya!" Caitlyn and I looked with puzzled faces. "It didn't take that long. They opened a new check in and they got in the shorter line. We already have tickets so we will head back now and go up there!", she smiled while pointing at the top of the tower. So we got up and walked back. Apparently they forgot the question and we now talked about other topics now. I was relieved about that change of our conversation but I knew that I had to think about that question later again. Nevertheless I was happy to have other thoughts on my mind for now and so much fun with my new friends.

I'm so so sorry! My computer was broken and after that I had no internet and couldn't post. I hope I can post more in the next time although my computer still isn't working. But for now enjoy and maybe comment or vote. Thanks and love you all! :-) <3

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