Chapter 20: Every end is a new beginning

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It felt like we were driving for an eternity! I still had tear stains all over my face and clothes because of my silent crying all the time. Zac was sleeping, Gina looked miserable like me and Dylan stared into his book, but it looked like he couldn't focus on what he's reading. To sum it up: we all weren't very happy and not really looking forward. We were too sad about leaving Chicago.  Leaving friends and family. "Oh come on guys. Cheer up! California will be amazing. We can start all over." "Well what if we don't want to start all over, mom?" Dylan asked mom in a very harsh tone. I haven't seen him like this for years. Mom looked hurt. "I'm sorry darling. I thought we would start a whole new adventure together." "If you say so." "Leave him. He'll be fine.", dad said and took moms hand. I'm so proud of my parents. They are together for so long and still love each other like on the first day. I want that, too some day.
After another few hours dad stopped the car at a parking spot. "What's happening?" Zac was finally awake. "I gotta get the keys. Get out of the car. I want you all to come with me." We all followed dad into the building, where my father will start his new job next week. "Oh hello Christian! You're finally here. And hello to you all!" "Good day Mr. Hobs!" "Did you have a good trip?", he asked while shaking everybody's hand. My siblings and I nodded and faked a smile. "So here are your keys. Enjoy your new home. I see you next week, Christian. Heather." He smiled at us all and with the keys to our new house we went back to the car. "I hopped off the plane at LAX with my dream and my cardigan." I recognized the song Gina was singing and I joined in. A few minutes later Zac sang with us "Party in the USA" and our moods cheered up a bit.
Not half an hour later dad cut the engine. Again we all got out. I walked 5 steps before I raised my eyes. I stopped immediately and my jaw dropped. That house was big! And beautiful! It had a large garden and looked amazing. I saw Gina staring at the house as well as Zac and Dylan. "Holy crap. That's awesome!", Zac said.  "I hope you all like it. Now come on and help your mom carrying the luggage in. The truck with our furniture should arrive soon." So we all helped together to unpack the car. After we placed everything into the hall dad took my and Dylan's hand while mom grabbed Gina's and Zac's. "Come on. I'll show you to your new home." We went into the living room. Large, full of light and comfortable. Next was the kitchen and the dining place then the bathrooms and finally we were standing in front of four closed doors. On each door was one letter. Z D G B. "You can take the letters off, after we know who lives in which room.", mom chuckled. "Only that you know: When you want to add something to your room that's ok! We didn't do everything, only the basics." Zac was first to go in his room. We all took a look. The colors in this room were mostly orange and white, since Orange is his favorite color. Dylan's room was plain. White walls because he has a closet of dark wood. I know that Dylan wants to draw something on his walls, since he's really good and he did it in our house in Chicago as well. We went on into Gina's room. She had a wall in a light purple and with that she'll get white furniture. Very feminine, because she's a diva. Gina squealed as she saw it and I had to laugh. Last but not least was my room. When I opened the door it seemed like I was diving into the ocean. Two walls were white and the other two were colored in petrol (it's like a dark turquoise). The rest of the room was mostly decorated in tones of blue and green, so it matches the color on the walls. My family knows I love water and the ocean so it was perfect. In the room was a large closet, a queen sized bed and a desk where I could do my homework and stuff. I squealed and hugged my parents before running into my room and jumping on my new bed.
The next days we spent making our new house a new home. A few hours after we arrived at California, the truck with the furniture did as well. So we had to unpack, rebuild and place everything from our house in Chicago. Once while we were totally into our work our doorbell rang. "I get it, I screamed since I was in the kitchen, the room near the door. I opened and looked up. And what I saw let my jaw drop.

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