Part 44~Muscular

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Katsuki pushed himself further, going up the mountain. He needed to be faster. He could hear Kota's screams. Jumping over the edge, Katsuki's eyes widened. Muscular stood over Kota. The creator made by Muscular punching the ground was covered in blood, in Kota's blood.

"Disappointing. You're as pathetic as your parents." Muscular made a fist, punching down. "Let's finish this!" He punched down as Katsuki spiralled under, scoping Kota up and bringing him to the other side.

He gently put Kota down, looking over the damage. He needed to get him away.

"What are you doing?" Kota's voice was broken, barely a whisper, as Katsuki sighed.

"Hold on, Kota. I'm going to get you out of here."

Muscular laughed, looking at Katsuki. "Now you, I recognise. You were on the list."

Katsuki let out a shaky breath, standing up as he activated his Quirk. "Hey. I promise everything will be okay. I'm going to save you, Kota. So stay awake until then."

"You really think you can save this little brat? That does sound like something a wannabe hero would say. Your kind sure like to mouth off about justice. Boss says he wants you back alive. He said nothing about how many bones you still have intact. Show me your blood." Muscular ripped off his cloak, muscle growing around his arm as he bulleted forward.

Katsuki could barely block as Muscular punched him into the mountain. His arm was twisted and dangerously broken.

"Oh, hey. Maybe you can help me out a little bit first. Do you know where a kid name, Midoriya or Thor might be around here? You didn't think this job just had to do with you, did you?" Muscular shot forward as Katsuki pushed himself to the side, barely avoiding him and tumbling to the side. "I'll take your silence to mean that you don't know. Is that right? Oh, good, then. Play Time!"

Muscular pushed forward, kicking Katsuki back into the mountain. Blood poured from Katsuki's head as he tried to stand up again.

Muscular laughed. "Yes! Blood is exactly what I wanted from you. What'd you promise? That everything would be okay? How's that workin' out for ya, huh?"

"Will you shut up? I'm not giving up yet." Katsuki glanced at Kota. The boy was weakly looking across the battlefield. "So don't you die yet either, Kota." Katsuki surrounded himself in electricity as he punched forward.

"What? Is that all you've got?" Muscular met the punch with his arm, not bothered by Katsuki's power. "You're fast, but you're not strong enough to hurt me." Muscular slapped Katsuki away from him. "My Quirk increases my speed and strength so exponentially that my muscle fibres can't even be contained by my skin. I know I'm bragging a bit. But I mean, c'mon. I guess what I'm trying to say is you're just an inferior version of me!"

Muscular charged again as Katsuki shot backwards, dodging the attack, unable to avoid the large rocks scattered around the place as one hit him in the face.

"I can't help but laugh at you, kid. You really think you're a hero, don't you?" Muscular landed a punch on Katsuki's side, throwing him to the ground. "How are you gonna save him, huh? Don't make promises you can't keep. Live up to your words, or they don't mean anything. You're no hero, you're just a fraud, and you'll die that way!"

"For a villain with a muscle Quirk, you sure talk a lot. You sure your Quirk doesn't have something to do with your voice because it's certainly terrible."

Before Muscular could respond, Katsuki shot forward, holding a rock shard and stabbing it in the villain's good eye.

He screamed, falling back as he held his eye. "What did you do?"

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