Hey guys

69 0 5

I feel like shit

I can barely breath or think straight 

but at least its a friday for me 

can't wait for earth day 

at school I sound like I was dyeing so 

my friends thought saying I'm dyeing was funny 

ya guess what

I had a book cuz I was working on a project and 

I bonked them 

I forgot how strong I was so it did hurt them a small amount 

Still I feel like shit but its just a cold 

also update on my arm 

There's no more pain

found out the problem too

It was muscle tension

I stretched my arm so hard the muscle it became stiff 

also little note 

I may not be on Wattpad that offen on May 13 

cuz friend's party

Have a wonder day, night, or evening.

That's my monthly update

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