Seek - reads a book
Screech - hey seek! hey seek! hey seek! hey seek! hey seek! hey seek! hey seek! hey seek! hey seek! hey seek! hey seek!
Seek - no
Screech - Seek seek seek seek seek
Seek - no
Screech - hey seek! hey seek! hey seek! hey seek! hey seek!hey seek! hey seek! hey seek! hey seek! hey seek! hey seek! hey seek! hey seek! hey seek! hey seek! hey seek! hey seek! hey seek! hey seek! hey seek! hey seek! hey seek!hey seek!
Seek - shut up
Figure - Reads a book
Player - throws a book at figure
Rush - cheese
Ambush - and cheeze
Rush - cheese
Ambush - and cheeze
Rush - cheese
Ambush - and cheeze
Rush - cheese
Ambush - and cheeze
Player - screams using a crucifix on ambush
Rush - cheese
Ambush - and cheeze
Rush - cheese
Ambush - and cheeze
Player - looks at eyes (enter oof sound here)
Rush - cheese
Ambush - and cheeze
Rush - cheese
Ambush - and cheeze
Rush - cheese
Ambush - and cheeze
Hide - holds sign out saying - no :)
Player - still screaming
Ambush - :(
Rush - :)
----------------10 random minutes later --------------------
Screech - screeches louder
Seek - I'M DONE WITH YOU *grabs the duck tape*
Screech - ?
Seek - tapes screech mouth shut and then tapes him to the wall*
Screech - screeches and cries
Seek - Throws a goop blob at screech
Gl - confused
Cl - what happen here?
Gl - I don't know
Cl - even Rooms is more calm then this
Gl - ...
Cl - byee
Gl - Nooo take me with you!
Cl - okay
Gl - thank you