BedeliaTheInkDemon13 truth was glitch to rank his fav to least fav
Glitch - okay, Gl, Cl, Shadow, Figure, window, Timothy, Y/n, Seek, Hide, Ambush, all the A bros (laziness took over) rush, Screech, bob, player, el gobino, ect (lazy like I said)
BedeliaTheInkDemon13 dare was for everyone to wear a dress
Seek - all ready in one (from last dare)
Figure - cool
Ambush and Rush - why we look barbie dolls?
Timothy - Shadow you gay like gayyy not gay
Shadow - how you know what that mean?
everyone one else didn't give a care in the world cuz seek and figure already put a dress on them before
StripedHeart2093 dare was for Cl and Gl to switch places
Gl - okay
Cl - I am bad with players tho
StripedHeart2093 other dare was A-60 and A-90 to switch places
A-90 : but I'm meant to slow down the player
A-60 : and I'm the complete opposite