For Dust You Are and To Dust You Shall Return

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Stars too go through the circle of life,
Born from clouds of gas and dust in strife,
Gravity pulls them in, compacting tight,
Heat and pressure build, igniting their light.

Nuclear fusion commences, energy released,
Radiating outwards, heat and light increased,
Their lives can last for billions of years,
Fueling the universe with light and fears.

But eventually, fuel runs low,
Gravity takes control, a new show,
Inward collapse, core becomes dense,
Outer layers expand, heat intense.

A supernova, explosion so bright,
A burst of energy, a cosmic light,
Elements forged, scattered far and wide,
Into the universe, a new ride.

Remnants left behind, a neutron star,
Or black hole, a cosmic czar,
But from their ashes, new life will form,
A cycle of creation, universe reborn.

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