Chapter 2

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It has been about a 4 month in this death game and I've killed more people than friended
I've made a few friends well two to be exact and we are meeting today
We found a mini quest room on floor 3 they don't know I kill players all three of us are level 15 except I'm the closest to leveling up .
We meet outside the massive doors my friend named grim has a scythe (very fitting ) he wears light black armor and a hood but under is a tan teenage boy my other who's name is Rico he has a suit of heavy armor with his big axe his helmet under his arm he has bad acne and buzz cut brown hear I'm wearing medium armor with my scimitar which I acquired from a npc merchant "you guys ready?" I ask about to open the door "teleportation crystals ready lets go"we head in the room mostly dark except at the end of a long hall a chest

"End of the hall we go!" Rico says walking into it he is hit by a monster but is ok his armor protecting him her chops it in half but there are more hundreds coming from the shadows like little grimlins crawling jumping in the air trying to jump on us "RUN" Rico yells we run i slashing with my scimitar grim using his scythe like he has his whole life we make it to the light and the chest the creatures not coming into the light "should we open it?" Rico asks

"I don't know could be a trap grim attack it if it comes alive it is a trap doesn't it's not and has loot "I say grim attacks it and it doesn't do with but moves revealing a set of stairs going down "not it"I say

"Not it"grim says then Rico stutters and sighs

"Ok then"he says going down "it's safe so fare come on "we follow

We see a second chest Rico doesn't hesitate this time opens the chest "CONGRATULATIONS YOU FOUND THE HIDDEN CHEST 40000 EXP TO YOUR WHOLE PARTY" the chest announces "AND DONT FORGET THE LOOT"it says at last ending opening up three items appear floating one a helmet another a sword the last a chest plate "grim you can take the chest I'll take the sword Rico you take the helmet "
"Why do you get to decide who gets what?"Rico asks

"Cause I led us here and I found this quest"I say grabbing the sword a new scimitar but has a better hand guard which was heavily decorated and heavy in the blade it was huge grim's chest was solid black and came with a metal hood and mask which looked like a skull (this is getting strange)

"Haha perfect let's see how your helmet is Rico grim said his metal hood down and mask off

Rico's helmet was a mix of a crown and a helmet made of iron it covered everything but his eyes it had red and white teeth where his mouth would be the were giant predator teeth inner locking the red was I guess supposed to be blood "I think this was one of the coolest quests ever"he said we went back upstairs all three of us level 17 now . We slash our way out of the hall level 20 since we cleared it all out I was 21 I put my scimitar in the sheath which was huge at my side my grey and black armor complimenting it's solid white except the hand guard which was bronze with a pearl on the palmel

"Hey guys want to spend the night at a hotel in floor 2? I have it rented out for the tonight ahead of time"I say

"Sure I don't have any plans for tonight "grim says pulling out a teleportation crystal "what's it called?"he asks

"Giro's Hotel "I say looking at him I then turn to Rico who is spaced out looking at his helmet "you want to come ?"

"Yeah sure sorry I was just looking at how badass this helmet is "he says smiling

"Yeah all of our loot was pretty awesome "I see a guy in police armor coming this way I nervous continue "hey let's go ahead and go."I say we activate our crystals and appear in front of the hotel we walk in I sign in and we head up stairs to the room and we all sit on a bed I change into my pajamas as do grim and Rico all wearing the default pajamas gold and white not blue and black unlike some believe "so guys I need to tell you guys something "

"If your going to tell us you're gay keep it to yourself " Rico said laughing

"No it's not that "I say I clear my throat "I'm a player killer" I say breathing out

"Wait what? You are that's that's awesome "grim says laughing

"I'm being serious " I say

"I am too finally someone like me he says showing me he was also a red player Rico looked at us both crazily

"You two are insane I'm going to get the police"he says running for the door but I throw a knife at him and he shatters I gain some of his his exp becoming level 25 so does Grim to 24 I grab his helmet "I'm going to get rid of that knife "I say putting the helmet the coffee table

"You brought us to a hotel out of the safe zone incase we tried to snitch nice "grim says looking at the helmet "so what do we do with the rest of his armor ?"he asks looking at the loot

"We sell it we don't need it but not the helmet it is mine "I say picking it back up putting it on

"Fine then we need to make a guild dude just player killers or join one I don't know I hear there is one starting trouble but no name yet "he says lying down

"Ok tomorrow we go try to find them maybe join kill for some loot but for now let's sleep."I say lying down taking off my helmet and going to sleep

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2015 ⏰

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