Chapter 1

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Hakuji's POV

Today was another day at kimetsu high..... another day in prison. But at least it's a new semester, so I'll get a new round of idiots in each class. Which will be so 'fun', to at least deal with it.

But at least I wasn't late. Which I usually was. But I just didn't have time to eat at all. Which I can handle. I showed up to school just fine. I went to class early. Which for the staff, was very impressive. They all know that I'm usually late but not this time! I looked at the seating chart when I got into my class. I had to sit next to this student named "Douma". I've heard his name before. I'm pretty sure he's the "popular guy" of this school. I heard that he's nice. At least he wasn't someone else.

I saw him walk in room. He looked at the chart, looked around, and then finding his spot. He looked at me. I know that he was going to try to start a conversation.

"Your name's Hakuji, right?" The blonde said. At this point, I had never seen Douma up this close before. He was really pretty, like I was expecting. He was the "popular guy" of our school, so of course he was good looking.

"Uhm- yes, that's my name." I said, confidently. Due to the fact that I didn't want to ruin my reputation in this school. Knowing that he was popular, he could and probably would do that to the school. And the worst part is that everyone would believe him,(if he did of course). But other than that, he wasn't one of those students who would do that. Which made me feel better about him.

He had successfully started a conversation with me, and kept it going. Of course, I didn't really care. But I remember that he had told me that "I look like that being the "popular guy" would seem pretty easy, but in reality, it isn't." Or something similar to that. I think what he's trying to say it that it isn't easy. I mean you have keep all of those people off of you. That seems difficult to do alone. After class, I had stayed in the class, due to the fact my next period was in this class. I accidentally overheard from some of the other students talking to Douma. They kept saying things like, "Why were you all like acting "unusual" around that student?" and "Do you like him?". Which was kinda weird because to me, he was acting how I knew him. Or maybe it was that fact that it was my first time meeting him.

Douma's POV

When I was walking to my first period, I had saw this really handsome guy in the hallway~! I was hoping that he was in one of my classes!! Which in fact he was!!! Which made me really happy! Then I realized that he sits right next to me! His name was 'Hakuji' which to me, was an awesome name for someone like him......~ After class, plenty of students tried to embarrass me in front of Hakuji! It was really embarrassing. But next period, I just wanted to hang out with Hakuji even more! I just loved him! I heard that I have the next period with him. Which is perfect~. Next period finally came. It felt like forever until the next least I'll be able to see Hakuji-San! Which was really exciting.

I noticed him, and he noticed me. He just waved. But I went to him and started a conversation. He was super nice! Me and him agreed to sit with each other at lunch. I couldn't wait! Only one more period to go before I get to sit with my beloved Hakuji-San!! He told me that he didn't really have much friends, neither did I. Everyone just wants to date me here. I've never had someone that wanted to be my friend. They always wanted to be more than that—in which I didn't want and or like. I always just wanted a friend whom I can trust, and be with most of the time. It was just, unusual to see some of that actually wanted to be my friend. Obviously, I was really excited about it! I can finally have a friend that I can trust, hopefully. I just couldn't wait for lunch to see him! Third period Felt like it lasted forever!! I just kept thinking about Hakuji. I don't know why, but my brain just kept thinking about him. I never thought about this before, I never thought about someone this much before. So this is new.

Then the bell rings for lunch, which means I get to see Hakuji-San! I can't wait!!!! I see him waiting in the spot we said to meet. "Hey Hakuji-San!" I said, overwhelming excited to see him. "Oh, hey Douma." Hakuji-San said, I just want to talk to him right now~! "So, where'd you like to sit?" I said, really impatient. "Wherever works greatly." "Uhm- how bout' over there?" "Great! Let's go." We sat at the table we agreed to eat lunch at. Normally, I would start conversations with people, but Hakuji-San was all in! Started it completely by himself. I don't know why, but during this period of time, I felt as if butterflies were in my stomach—in which I've never felt before. At least I think that's what that's feeling called. It was very unusual to me.

But, the school day came to an end quite swiftly. Normally it takes FOREVER. But, maybe it's the matter of fact that I was glued to Hakuji-San all day. Made the day go faster. I always walked home. I then noticed that Hakuji-San also walked home, because he was in front of me not too far ahead. I wonder if I should run up to him? Nope, I've been glued to him enough today. I can wait for tomorrow. No, I can't wait. I'll be totally fine though.... I stumbled into my house. I knew I had a ton of homework I needed to do.

I started working on it, but then easily got distracted by thinking of Hakuji-San. It was like I was obsessed with him. I quickly stopped working on my homework, due to the fact I thinking about Hakuji-San, which is super weird. I never would've thought I'd think about a person like this ever. It was strange, but I had to push it all aside to work on my homework.

After a few hours of working, I got it all done! It was 7:41pm. I still have so much time to waste! I wish I got Haluji's number, so I could talk to him.... I always want to be with him!!! My only thoughts were about him. Why? There's utterly no reason to be thinking about him in such a way....whatever that way was, it was REALLY annoying. But I also kind of liked it... my face would feel hot, hot as hell. This only would happen when I'm around and or thinking about Hakuji-San!! I've never felt this way towards anyone before!

Is he my first crush?

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