First Scent

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A Wolf's Love Howl
Chapter 2
First Scent

   Ike hit the ground back first and rolled over in time as the horse ran right past him, trampling right where he would've been if not for his quick reaction time. Ike got up and reached for his sword running towards the now growling sound and what seemed like a human voice. "Can't believe someone else is here and what the hell could've made that noise?!" Ike thought, relying on his hearing to, hopefully, find whoever was in trouble. What he found at the edge of the trees made him stop.
   For it was not directly who he found, but what he found. A large black monster attacking what appeared to be some sort of wolf beast. It was bigger than the average wolf and had special markings on its head meaning it was some sort of magical creature as well. "Maybe it's some sort of turf war?" Ike thought. He knew he shouldn't bother, but he also couldn't look away. The wolf had agile movements and lunged at the monster's back, tearing into it's throat making the monster scream and drop to the floor. The monster grabbed the wolf off its back and scratched it across its chest before it finally died and shattered into little back fragments. "What the hell?" Was all Ike thought when a whimper left the wounded animal he had somehow forgotten.
    The wolf tried to stand up and take a few steps, but instantly collasped and fell onto its side with a high pitched yelp. Ike, driven by his compassion to animals and to help wounded creatures, ran up from behind the animal. The wolf rolled over and snapped its jaws, barely missing Ike's face. Ike could've swore he saw the dog look shocked then apologetic in its eyes before it fell down again. Ike held his hands up so the wolf could see he wasn't going to hurt it. Ike thought how it seemed more intelligent then any other animal he had encountered. Except for his half beast friends back home. He smiled as he pet the wolf thinking of his friends back home.
    The wolf whimpered some more and Ike tried to roll him over when the wolf snarled, showing his powerful and sharp teeth. "Calm down, I'm here to help you okay?" Ike used a soft tone to help sooth the animal. The wolf unbelievably nodded and let Ike lift his arm to expose the cut across its chest. Thankfully Ike carried his bag on his back and not on the horse. He rummaged through his bag to get some medicine made by his priest Rhys and some gauze.
    "This may hurt a little." Ike was nervous to apply the ointment because the wolf very well could lunge and rip his throat apart like the monster he just witnessed earlier, but strangely the wolf just seemed to understand and licked Ike's hand. Ike very gently applied the ointment to the cut making the wolf howl and twitch his paws as if it could run away on the air sideways. Ike instantly went to pet the creature and whisper sweet nothings which seemed to calm the wolf. The cut thankfully wasn't as deep as it appeared and had already started healing itself. "Good girl" he said to the wolf scratching the dog's ear noticing the earring. "Strange. Since when do dogs have earrings?" The wolf lifted its head and growled at Ike. "Um.. good boy?" Ike said questionably. The dog let out some sort of snort and laid its head back down. Ike laughed as he thought of how magnificent this beast was.
     Ike wrapped the beasts chest with gauze and combed this fingers through the wolf's thick fur. The wolf started to stand up when Ike put his hands on the wolf to steady him. "Careful there boy. Don't push yourself or you'll open up your wounds more." Ike was sitting on the ground in front of the wolf. The wolf got between his legs and sat, looking eye to eye with Ike. Ike got the scent of the wolf, "hmm rain and raw dirt." Ike got a little nervous being an inch away from a magical beast that just moments ago slayed something that was straight nightmare fuel. The wolf opened his mouth and Ike shut his eyes and took a deep breath "so this is how I die" his thought was interrupted by a large wet tongue on his face.
    He opened up his eye to see a happy big puppy licking the side of his face. "Haha stop it, stop it! You're getting my face all wet boy!" Ike laughed as the wolf began sniffing him all over. Ike stood up and patted the dirt off his pants. He began to walk back towards the road hoping to find his horse. He found the road, but when he looked behind him to see if his new friend was there...he was not. "Must have ran home." Ike thought with a pang of sadness in his heart. He called for the horse and looked, but it was gone. He knew it should be dark by now and was wasting time looking for a horse he knew would probably be dead due to those scary monsters. He began walking up the road when he spotted a small spring. He was thirsty and walked up to the water.
     Once in the clearing he saw a brown horse drinking from the hot water spring and saw it equipped. "Where's the owner?" He thought right when a splash of water came from the other side of the horse. He looked and saw him. A boy with dirty blond hair. Even though he could only see the boy's back, he could tell he had medium muscle mass and an overall small frame. What drew the most attention was the boy's pointed ears. Just as Ike thought he saw something attached to the boy's ear that looked familiar, the horse saw Ike and let out a whine drawing the boy's attention to Ike as well. The boy went straight behind the horse, now Ike knew the boy was bathing and felt like a total pervert. "I'm sorry if I scared you, I was lost and hoping to find my horse. I'm trying to get out of the forest is there anyway you can help me?" Ike could see the boy's feet and arms under the horse as the boy pulled up his pants and pulled on his shoes.
    When the boy was done dressing he came out from behind the horse and looked at Ike. "Where are you heading?" Ike looked into ice blue eyes and noticed the delicate features of the young man. He swallowed and snapped his attention back to the boy realizing he was staring the boy down "great if he didn't think I was a perv then, he surly does now." "I was summoned to Smash Brothers Arena. I took a shortcut that landed me in these woods and now I can't find my way out." He saw the look of surprise on the young man's face. The petite man got on his horse and trotted over to Ike and moved forward on the saddle. "Climb on. I'm heading there as well, you can travel with me and then we'll be even." "Even?" Ike got on the horse and looked at the boy's back puzzled but received no answer.

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