The Brawl

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A Wolf's Love Howl
Chapter 6
The Brawl

     Ike got dressed after his shower and prepared himself for the action to come. He hadn't been able to shake off the lewd hallucinations even with an icy shower. Ike accepted how he felt and devised his plan. He was adamant that he would become one of the top fighters to prove himself to Link to be seen as a combat equal, a protector, and a worthy lover. He tightened his headband with determination and left for the arena.


    He rose up on the floating platform to the stage. Flood lights blinded his eyes and the voice announcing his arrival boomed through the arena. His opponent, Donkey Kong, was across from him, locked away behind a barrier until the round officially started. Finally he heard, "FIGHT!," and took off for a higher platform. The gorilla was a far better climber as he grabbed both sides of the platform Ike was trying to get and kicked Ike in the chest down to the ground. Ike rolled to the side to narrowly miss the slam attack from Kong. Ike slashed into the ape's hide making him howl in pain. Donkey Kong turned around and backhanded Ike across the face, sending him into the air on to the next platform. "I wanted to get here, but not like this. I guess this'll do."
     Ike held Ragnell with both hands and cleared his mind of all distractions. All the noise started to go mute, the blinding lights dimmed as he only saw his foe, his mind clear, or mostly clear. The mental picture he had of Link looking shyly at the ground before asking Ike to have breakfast with him flashed before his eyes. Donkey Kong's movements seemed to slow down, every movement broken into seconds between different memories of Link. Ike was ready with newfound strength and jumped off the platform towards Donkey Kong holding his sword now with one hand. Kong may have caught the sword, but also caught Ike's hands as Ike punched him in the face. A powerful blow that sent him on his back. A hammer started to fall from the sky and the fighters threw blows at each other to stop the opposition from getting it as they jumped for it. Ike proved victorious as his hand gripped the handle and used all the training from Boyd to toss it at the enemy that gripped his leg beneath him, hitting him square in the chest, and out of the ring.
    Confetti blew out from around the stage as he was announced the winner. His eyes surfed the sea of faces until they locked into a familiar, lighter blue set in the front row. Ike smiled and blushed as Link cheered his name, brimming ear to ear and clapping. He held his sword high in triumph for his first of many wins.


     It was exhilarating watching Ike fight match after match, winning against his opponents. Ike only narrowly defeated Samus, him taking several shots to the arm and chest. It didn't seem like Ike had ever encountered a gun before today, but he managed just fine in the end. Link was certain his friend would be moved up to the upper mid rank if not, the top rank. The Hero took notes on which fighters were harder for Ike to combat and why as he started constructing a training regime for Ike.
     Everyone was clearing out of the stadium for the interlude, allowing the high ranked fighters time to prepare themselves and the last contestants to get any of the medical treatment they needed. Link started towards the holding room under the arena where all the others were putting their equipment together awaiting their turn after the break. He took attendance of everyone he saw along the way and in the changing room. "I still haven't seen Yoshi or Sonic." Link watched all the games not just to see Ike, but also to fulfill Zelda's request. The two weren't elite fighters so they should have shown up at least once earlier, but their names were never called. His heart sank to his stomach remembering Ganondorf's words. He shook his head as if it would make the unsettling feeling go away.
     "Link!" His ears twitched when hearing his familiar voice. Link turned towards the bluenette jogging towards him. "Oh my goddesses!" Link screamed internally. Ike had no shirt on, only spotted with a few bandages over his chest and arms most likely caused by Samus. Link gulped and tore his eyes from Ike's muscular chest and fumbled with lacing his boots trying to push mature thoughts down. "Did I impress you?" Link looked up astonishingly at Ike, "Were you trying to show off for me or something?" Link laughed but Ike never did. He only looked at Link earnestly, "Yes." Link's mouth opened to retort, but couldn't find any words to match his feelings. Ike leaned over Link, his arm resting above Link's head supported by the locker behind them, "and when I make it to the top rank, I'll win the final tournament." Link pressed his back more into the lockers to get away from the heat between their bodies to no avail as Ike crept closer each time.
   "You still have a lot to learn if you're going to beat me. I already have a training itinerary planned out for you." Ike smiled sweetly and took a few locks of the dirty blond hair and kissed the tips of them, "then you'll have to train with me only. When I do win, I want you to give me my prize." Link bewilderedly gazed at Ike, "prize?" Ike gently placed his hands on Link's smaller hips and whispered into those pointed ears he so often now fantasized about, "a kiss of course." Ike kissed the tip of Link's ear and pulled away to take in the sight before him. Link's whole face to his ears was red and sweat droplets ran down his neck. He left the poor boy to his own mind and left the room to join the others in the stands.


     Link huffed as the number of fighters dwindled down to just four. All ten champions were brought in together for the finale and slowly the number decreased. All that was left was Link, Snake, Wario, and Ganondorf. "I got you kid," Snake said to Hylian, patting him on the back, "I got the fat bastard." Snake threw a smoke screen for them to take cover in for a surprise attack. Link remembered the position of Ganon, but figured when the Gerudo saw the smoke he'd change locations. Link scanned through the smoke for any dark figures in the area around him. "Where am I?" Link thought. He had gone past the last spot he saw Gannon, but couldn't track him down. A loud roar echoed in the smoke as he saw a bright light pointed straight at him. The fog started to clear and Link saw what was before him. Wario had unleashed his special attack and Link fell for it! Wario revved up his motorcycle and floored it towards Link. He took a step back only to nearly fall off the stage. "Crap, I'm at the end of the stage with nowhere to go!" Link braced himself for impact like he did with the Gorons.
     Ike was at the edge of his seat. "No way this is how Link will go out. In a fluke!" Ike said, biting his lip. Zelda looked even more worried than Ike then she gasped, "Ike look!" Snake jumped out of the dissipating smoke onto Wario's back trying to grasp the bar. Wario jerked the handles away from Snake, sending them careening off the edge. "SNAKE!" Link screamed as he threw himself to the edge trying to catch his allies hand, but it was too late. "My my my.. you sure let your friends sacrifice themselves for you." Link abruptly stood up and turned on his heels towards the fiery redhead.
   "You two planned this!" Ganon crossed his arms and darkly chuckled, "Of course! But here you are still… even better for me. How fitting it is for you to meet your demise by my hand, Hero." Ganon drew his sword and relentlessly slashed at Link. Link tried his hardest to parry the attacks, but couldn't counter the slash that came from the side cutting down his arm holding the sword. Link's hand unwillingly released his sword and it cranked to the ground. He reached down with his other hand to grab his sword, but was stopped by a black boot stomping on his hand over the handle. Link recoiled and Ganon kicked the master sword over the edge of the arena.
    Link watched helplessly as the shining blade disappeared into the darkness that engulfed the outer bounds of the stage. His attention was brutally brought back to Ganon when the villain kicked him under the jaw, the force throwing him on his back. Ganon loomed over the hero and laughed triumphantly, "Oh hero, look at what you've become. Oh and what's this?" Ganon reached towards Link's head, making Link roll over to his side and get up. "Did your boyfriend give you that?" Link followed Ganon's finger to his head. When Ganondorf kicked Link his hat tilted, exposing the crown underneath. "You can't rile me up Ganon." Link tried to think of a way to attack Ganon, but all his weapons were gone and no objects had fallen from the sky for them the entire match. "Nothing to use, nothing to-" Link's eyes widened, "that's it!"
     Link took the crown in his hand, wrapped his good hand with the sharp, prickly material. "You're going to fight me with flowers? What a boy of peace!" Ganon bellowed out as they began fist fighting. Link focused on blocking the shots waiting for his time to strike. He calculated his steps closer and closer to the edge purposely when he finally saw an opening. Link ducked the large tan fist and punched Ganon right in the eye, the punch making the thorns puncture the sensitive organ. Ganondorf screamed in anguish as he half blindly swung his fist at Link taking large strides towards him.
    The Hero of Time dropped to the ground and swept the King of Thieves' legs, making the larger fall to the ground and roll over the edge. Ganon caught himself on the ridge of the stadium hanging on with both hands. As he started to pull himself up he was stopped by pressure on his fingers sending pain through both of his arms. Ganon snarled at the boy above him as Link applied more pressure, breaking Ganon's fingers forcing him to let go of the platform. With a harrowing scream the hog demon fell into the dark abyss followed by a ring of confetti. A gust of wind blew through Link's sweat drenched hair and blew the now broken crown into the breeze. Link took a deep breath and exhaled, "It's finally over… for now."

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