14. Fallen Too Far

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The nurse came in after Jennifer convinced them to take you out for an hour. They agreed and you got ready. You were still crying like crazy as you got changed into sweatpants, a t-shirt, and sandals. You walked inside the bathroom and looked at your face. Oh my God....

There was a black eye, your bottom lip was swollen, your chin was cutted, and your cheeks were red. You didn't even notice that your arm was in a cast. "Hurry the fuck up, bitch!!" Jennifer yelled. "Leave me alone!!!" You cried hardly. "Get out before I knock the fucking door down and drag the shit out of you!!" You cried as you opened the door and she yanked your arm and dragged you down the hall. "Take your phone and shut it up before I break it" she punched it on your chest and you grabbed it.


She shoved you in the backseat since she didn't want you sitting next to her and you just sat there crying. "This is bullshit!!!" You yelled. "Shut the hell up already!!" She yelled back, you cried more. You pulled out your flip phone and opened it. Oh shit..150 missed calls from Roman and 67 messages. Your eyes widened as you read the texts.

Roman: hey, you awake?

Roman: baby?

Roman: why do you keep leaving me on read?

Roman: Is everything alright?

Roman: Do you want me to come over?

Roman: Y/n, please answer..


Tears shedded down your cheeks as you cried harder. "Roman" you whispered to yourself.

You: we need to talk

*Roman's typing*

You just shutted it and layed your face in your hands and cried more.

Once You Got There

"Get the hell out of my car and hurry up!!" She yelled making you get out startled. You walked up to Roman's front door and he answered before you could knock. "Where the hell have you been?! I tried calling you, going to your house, calling Angelina, and-" his eyes widened when he saw your face and the cast. "What the fuck happened...?" He tried touching you but you just shook away his hand.

"Y/n. What happened?!" "I can't tell you.." "baby-" "can we..talk? Please?" He didn't even nod and you walked past him inside the house anyway. "Who did this..?!" He asked meaning your face. You just turned around so you weren't facing him and started crying. He grabbed your arm and spun your around to face him, then put both hands on each side of your cheeks as he observed your face and cast. "Who..the hell..did this..?" He asked getting angry.

"I can't tell you.." "why...?!" You shook your head. "It'll cost me my whole life..!" You replied. "What do you mean..?" "I can't tell you but we really, really...need to talk.." you said back. "No, no, no, no, no, I wanna know who did this first..!" He said getting angry and clenching his fists. "Roman, you don't understand, I can't!!-" "yes, you can, Y/n, please just fucking tell me!!" He said getting angrier.

You cried more. "If I did, then I would get hurt again.." you said. His eyes widened. Her life is on the line...not because of me..she's not on my list obviously...who's doing this to her..? "Y/n...-" "I think we should be over, Roman" you said. He furrowed his eyebrows and looked at you scaredly. "Over?- W-What do you mean..?" "What it means.." his eyes then widened. No...no...no..NO. "No, no, no, no, no, you're not..-" "I'm sorry.." you started crying more.

He stood there frozen as his eyes were widened. "You're joking. Right?" he said coldly. You shook your head as you cried. "I'm sorry..." you said. He stood there frozen as his heart raced in reality and he felt as if it was the end of it all. Why...?! Why?! WHY?! He was just staring at you with a pleading look and as if he was about to cry a little. "D-..Did I do something wrong..?" He asked.

"No...-" "THEN WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS?! WHO THE FUCK EVEN HURT YOU AND WHY ARE YOU CHOOSING TO LEAVE ME?!" He yelled startling you. "I JUST SAID THAT I CAN'T TELL YOU AND I'M DOING THIS BECAUSE I'M BEING FORCED TO AND I'M FUCKING SCARED, ROMAN!!" You yelled back while crying. He shook his head and you saw tears forming in his eyes.

"What about the plans we made..?!" He said with a crack at the end. "Please..it's not my fault..!" You cried more. "I thought we were going to be together until life ended..get married..have kids..?" He said as a tear fell. "I wanted that, too..! But I'm scared..!" "If you leave..then I'll leave, too.." he said. You just looked at him and then he grabbed your hand.

"You don't have to tell me who hurt you like this.." because I'll find out and kill them either way, "but if anything...please. Don't go.." he begged. More tears came down from your eyes, then you nodded making his eyes lit up. "I love you.." you cried hugging him. He picked you up and you wrapped your legs around his torso. He smashed his lips onto yours. You moaned a little when he rubbed your ass and Frenched kissed you like normal.

He pulled away and looked at you. "I love you, too, baby" he started kissing you everywhere. "We need to keep this a secret or else I'm going to be put in jeopardy.." you said. He nodded understandably. What if I told you that it's not gonna be a secret once I find who did it?

"Alright" he replied. He put you down and held your hand walking you over to the front door. "Hey" you turned to him. "I don't know if you care or not, but..tomorrow's-" "your birthday? No, yeah, I know" you smiled. His eyes widened a little. "How?" "I'll always be reminded if it's your day" you wrapped your arms around his neck. "Don't worry. I'll be here" you said.

He wrapped his arms around your waist and kissed you again. "I don't know what I would do without you" he said. You chuckled and kissed him more, then he grabbed your hand and slowly released his grip as you were leaving. You closed the door and quickly wiped the smile off your face so Jennifer wouldn't see.

Roman zoned off and started thinking of a list of people who would've wanted to hurt you. His eyes then widened. Jennifer. He quickly looked out the window and saw you go into her car and his eyes widened more. FUCKING BITCH! He had an idea, he wanted to do more besides just stab her to death tomorrow.

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