22. A Clue

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"Oh shit! There's the birthday boy!" Tyson patted Roman's shoulder. "Hey there!" Angelina smiled. "Ah, Roman!~" Jennifer walked in and hugged him and looked at you with a smirk. You took a skippy deep breath and tried to release Roman's hand but then he grabbed it basically saying "no, you're staying with me."

"Alright, alright, yep, happy birthday to me" Roman rolled his eyes and pushed her off of him a little. "So you're 30 now, huh?" Jennifer crossed her arms with am evil smile. She looked down at you two holding hands then looked at you saying "you better let go or else.." your heart started racing and Roman noticed the look she was giving you and that only made him hold your hand tighter.

"And I'm proud to be" Roman replied. There was so much tension. "Oh gosh, that means that you're still a baby, Y/n!" Jennifer smiled like a bitch and pretended like she was joking. You just looked at her nervously. "Not really, 19 considers her as an adult. Right, Y/n?" Roman looked at you as him and Jennifer fought with fake ass kindness. Jennifer looked at you knowing damn well you wouldn't even say a word. "Um. Well, yes. If I was a baby, then I wouldn't of chose someone like Roman. Right, Roman?" You replied looking at Roman feeling a little bit bolder.

Alright, yes, you'd admit that you're a fighter and all, but you hated causing problems. It was already bad as it was. Jennifer's eyes widened a little and she looked at you saying "you just broke a rule, you bitch.." you stepped back a little but then Roman pulled you back up. "Yes, that's right" Roman replied. Jennifer then smiled like a bitch again. "Jeez, what happened to your face and arm?" Jennifer asked you.

Roman's eyes shifted to her then back over to you. Your eyes widened a little as you froze. Roman looked at Jennifer with a knowing look but this could also give clues and expose her. "Yeah, what happened?" Roman asked. You were still frozen until you decided: "someone who I thought I trusted attacked me a few days ago. They texted me to come outside my house and then attacked me out there.." Roman and Jennifer's eyes widened.

Dumb move, Jennifer, trying to snitch on yourself. "That sounds a bit false-" "what happened next..?!" Roman was madly curious and Jennifer watched his fist crumble and her eyes widened again. THIS IS IT, THIS IS IT! "They just..beat me until I was numb. I woke up in the hospital the next morning and there they were..." Roman's mind started spinning. Jennifer started shaking. "Did you see who did it..?!" Roman asked while looking at you.

You looked at Jennifer who shook her head extremely fast but then stopped when Roman looked her way and you also looked away. "No" you replied. Bullshit. "D-..Did you atleast get a small glimpse..?" Roman asked again. You shook your head and he just looked at you before his eyes shifted to Jennifer who was standing there scaredly. "I'm gonna go get some champagne...you want some?" He asked you and Jennifer while still looking at her while a deadly stare.

"Yeah, thanks.." you replied. He walked away while turning his head back and forth towards Jennifer with a look she couldn't read: "I'm going to fucking kill you in the worst way and you'll feel more pain than what Y/n felt, you dumb fucking bitch." Once Roman disappeared, Jennifer looked at you with an angry disturbing look and stormed up to you like she was about to hurt you, but you walked in a bit of a speed towards the living room.

"Angelina!" You ran up to her making Jennifer slow down and fake smile towards everyone. "Y/n! Hey!" Angelina smiled widely and hugged you. "You doing alright with them?" She whispered in your ear meaning the baby. "Mhm" you whispered back. "You didn't tell Roman, right?" She whispered again. "No, not yet" you whispered back. "Okay, good" she whispered. Jennifer sat down while looking at you like she's going to beat the shit out of you.

"You doing okay?" Angelina held your hands meaning your pain. "Yeah, I'm alright" you smiled a little. She nodded and hugged you again. "WOO!" Roman yelled walking in with like 5 cups of champagne. He gave Angelina, Tyson, Jennifer, then you a champagne, then wrapped his arm around your neck and kissed you deeply. Jennifer's eyes widened when she saw it and Angelina smiled.

"Ro-man! I had no idea that you were with this stunning lady!" Tyson teased as he smiled and drank his champagne. "No?!" Roman replied. "No! I thought she was just some beautiful girl walking in to put a smile on people's faces!" Tyson said. Roman raised his eyebrows in a bit of jealousy after he said that. No, no, no, he agrees with Tyson, but he made a deal with himself years ago when he first saw you that he was the only one who was allowed to call you beautiful.

"Yeah, well, I'm extremely lucky!" Roman replied moving his arm down to your waist and rubbed your ass a little. "More than extremely. Ultra!" Roman stopped drinking his champagne and looked at Tyson as he got a bit angry. You just raised your eyebrows and laughed a little. Roman then had an idea that he thought would've quieted him. "Yeah, well, we're planning on having kids and getting married" Jennifer choked on her champagne, Angelina's jaw dropped as she gave you a look saying "Y/N, YOU DIDN'T TELL ME THIS!" And Tyson's eyes widened as he just stood there getting a bit jealous, too, then slowly nodded.

Your eyes widened and you looked at Roman who just looked at you with a seductive smile and kissed you deeply once again, then pulled away. You just smiled at him knowing that he did that because he loved you. "You're what?!" Jennifer's eyes widened. "Yeah. Can you imagine it?
Y/n as a mom, me as a dad. That'd be the best kind of shit ever" Roman smirked at her hoping she'd shut the fuck up.

Angelina looked at you with a look of "IS THIS TRUE?!" You mouthed "no" and she sighed with relief and shook her head and laughed. "Okay, just remember to tell him tonight when you both go to bed" she mouthed again. You nodded and sighed scaredly.

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