Chp. 8: Swim Practice

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Last class...

Tiffany's POV:

"He did what?!"

"Yeah...we talked..."

Ian stares at me dumbfounded, and I simply stare back uncomfortably. Searching my eyes, Ian shakes his head at me, as I whisper, "Why are you making that face at me??"

"You can't just drop a bombshell like that on me and expect not to be in shock." He dramatically says.

"I know..."

"What else happened? Did he try to, like, come on to you or-" "No, Ian!!" I yelp, shoving him as we sit in the library together, "Why would anything like that happen?!"

I've been sitting here for the past 30 minutes, chitchatting with Ian and Zoe about what happened with Travis. Of course, they're both flabbergasted at the newfound information I've brought to them.

And in case you're curious, no, Ian and I technically don't have a last-period class. We're both peer buddies for the librarian, Ms. Rogers, who just so happens to be Ian's aunt.

Plus, she's my swim coach.

As for Zoe, she's not in the building currently because she has work-based learning, so she leaves early to go to work, and it counts as a credit. However, she's not at work just yet, so we called her to spill the tea.

"What do you mean 'why would anything like that happen'?! That man sleeps with anything that moves and breathes, honey!" He mutters, sitting his book on the table, "He's a lot like Daniel from what I've heard."

"He's got a point," Zoe says on speaker phone, chewing, "I've heard he's had a threesome before."

"Guys! Those are just rumors, you do realize that, right?" I whisper harshly, and they both fall silent, "Things people made up to start shit!!"

Ian gives me a knowing look, hands on the table now, "Okay, if these are just "rumors," then please, enlighten me on how you know this."

"I don't!! But at the same time..." I mumble, thinking, "I...I don't know..."

"Are you trying to tell me you're willing to give this the benefit of the doubt??" Zoe asks, sounding curious, "Do you like him or something?"

I scoff, shaking my head, "Well, obviously not, Zoe. I'm just saying...believing in little stuff like that just sounds childish you know??"

"Don't you believe in them too?" Ian asks, raising a brow as he shrugs.

"Well...yes and no. A lot of them sound just downright outlandish. Like, him having a kid or being in the mafia or having a threesome. Doesn't that sound a little bit much??"

"Well..." Ian mutters, sitting in thought. He sits there quietly, brows furrowing.

"I'd have to agree with Tiffany, Ian."

Ian and I both look over and spot Ms. Rogers walking over. I smile as she fluffs her dark brown hair and sits down in between Ian and me. "Of course you'd take her side," Ian mutters sourly, and I laugh.

"I'm just saying, Ian," Ms. Rogers giggles, her lightly freckled cheeks a soft rosy color, "Rumors are just rumors, and those sound crazy if you were to ask me."

"When she mentioned some of them sounding a bit crazy, I can agree with that, but still," He says, thoughtfully, "It doesn't change the fact that these rumors exist, and everyone at this table, including the ones who are virtual, know of them."

"Period." Zoe chirps.

"I know earlier, before you explained everything, I was saying this wasn't a big deal and everything, but, like, this has gotten to a whole other level of what the fuck," Ian states, raising his hands innocently, "I've never heard of a man hunting someone down just to talk to them, I'm low key jealous. That man is fine as fuck. Wish he would hunt me down..."

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