101 reasons not to commit suicide

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91. Sometimes you just need a hug.

92. Depression, anxiety, anorexia, homosexuality, etc. is not something to be ashamed of. Just because a person says your worthless, stupid, etc. does NOT mean it's right.

93. There's always someone who cares and is willing to talk about anything (me)

94. If you made it this far in my book then I'm proud of you. You survived a little bit longer. Keep it going❤️

95. No matter what you think, no matter what other people say, you DO matter. You ARE beautiful. You ARE loved. Your NOT worthless. Please repeat this in your head.

96. Share a compliment. You could save another persons life. You'll feel great after too. Its not hard to do.

97. Suicide is not the answer! Neither is self harm!

98. Never let a cold lifeless piece of metal end your beautiful life. You are in this world for a reason.

99. Don't trust people too easily. But don't block them out either.

10o. Keep trying❤️soon you'll be clean, soon you won't have suicidal thoughts. Wether soon is in a month or a year or whenever, I promise, it ALWAYS gets better. Don't kill yourself because then you never will be better.

Authors Note:
Oh god, one update left.

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