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Getting pregnant from a one night stand can happen, sometimes they would keep the baby while others choose to get rid of it.

Naomi had decided to keep her sweet boy, she carried him for nine months, she painfully gave birth to him, and now she intended on raising him.

Of course, the father didn't want anything to do with the baby. He was still young, he didn't want responsibilities, he wanted to be reckless. So he had decided to not be apart of the little boy's life.

Naomi was disappointed from the choice the young man had made, but knew she couldn't force him. Luckily she had an supporting father and best friend, both with her in the hospital and still with her everyday as she raises the baby.

Matteo, turned out to be a very easy baby. He barley cries, he only does when he's hungry or tired. He's always laughing from the littlest things, which he gets from his mother. To put it easily, he's a sweet baby who's shy from time to time.

But when two vampires return back to their home in Mystic Falls, hell breaks.

But hell can't be that bad if you've found the angel in your life, even if he's a vampire.

But hell can't be that bad if you've found the angel in your life, even if he's a vampire

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𝐏𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐚𝐧𝐭, damon salvatoreWhere stories live. Discover now