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Giving birth is painful, any mother could agree to that. But the aftermath of the fun you decided to have was just torture. The sleepless nights, the non-stop crying, and many many stares from elders in the town for having a baby so young.

Especially without the father for the baby, the judgemental stares never end. But Naomi didn't care about it, she loved her baby boy even though she complained occasionally.

Naomi had decided to leave College, basically dropping out. Of course, she has her father to help with anything, but the brunette felt like she needed to be with Matteo as a newborn.

Soon enough he'll be a teenager, showing attitude, slamming doors, and sneaking out of the house. It's best to enjoy the peaceful yet chaotic times with him before he gets older.

Her Italian father had always been supportive of everything she chose to do. When she had told him that she was pregnant, he was mad but knew he couldn't kick his daughter out for it, since he himself was a reckless one when he was in his early 20s.

Liam, her father, never got married. He had girlfriends, one-night stands, and all, but he never chose to settle down with a woman or man. He liked the "free" single life, but he loved children. Adopting Naomi was one of the most fantastic decisions he had ever made, he had told her that when he saw her, he knew she would have him wrapped around her finger for good.

Naomi grew to be a sassy, beautiful, woman. Her personality made people fall for her, and her looks attracted men and women all over her college campus.

She walked the streets of Mystic Falls with a stroller in front of her, hands tight on the handle, and a baby bag on her right shoulder.

The two-month-old was playing with the stuffed elephant that Naomi's best friend, Jasmine, had gotten him. He would always try to put it in his mouth, trying to fit the whole thing in but his attempts would go in vain.

Naomi decided to take Matteo out of the house, she herself needed the outdoors a little bit as her father had said. The only time Matteo would get to go outside was if her dad was home from work and took care of the baby for the rest of the day.

Walking into Mystic Grill, she looked around the place to try and find her flirty best friend. And of course, she was spotted flirting with a blonde boy who looked like he was a teenager just trying to get a drink.

Smiling widely, Naomi began to walk towards Jasmine, pushing the stroller with the quiet baby inside.

"Jasmine, the flirt," Naomi called out, laughing a little too loudly from the look she was given.

"Keep it down, you whore." Jasmine replied, rolling her eyes jokingly.

Laughing at the comment, Naomi hugged her best friend who she missed dearly. They haven't been able to spend time together since Jasmine goes to College in a different state, and Naomi is stuck in Mystic Falls.

𝐏𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐚𝐧𝐭, damon salvatoreWhere stories live. Discover now