Bon Voyage

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Apos pov:

"So are you going to tell me what happened or do I have to keep guessing?''asked Tong.

"We..umm we fought,''i said silently looking out the window.

"But the other day you two were just fine..what the hell happened?''

I explained everything to him and he was a very good listener.

"Apoo do you think it's wise to leave town when you're angry with each other?''

"No but when I tried explaining it to him he kept bringing up how he's been taking good care of me,''

"I agree with you on the money matter..your relationship shouldn't only involve him throwing money at you..but you should also understand that he's also trying..the best thing is to be patient and don't be so hard on him..he may be going through a lot yet he's just quiet,''

"Thanks I just need some time to think,''

"Ok but don't take too're now engaged you should learn to work through the problems without running away,''

I nodded and closed my eyes replaying our arguement once again.

Miles pov:

"Mile calm down he's going to be fine,''said Bible.

"You don't understand,I have to go to him and work this out,''I replied picking up my keys.

"He asked for space Mile...he told you he'll break off the wedding if you push it too far,''said Jeff.

"What's really going on man?this has never happened before,''

"I... it's my company,''i said downing the glass of whiskey and adding the fourth one.

"Slow down with the drink...what has your company done?''

"They are pushing me to get a wife soon and they are claiming people will question my relationship with Po..I never knew being a heir to one of the richest man in Thailand would be so traumatizing..there's so much expectations for me and they've been on my neck for the past one week,''

"Damn that's hard and have you talked to Apo about it?''

"No..I didn't want to stress him out,''

"But Mile a healthy relationship must always have trust and conversation about everything..if not you'll be overwhelmed and it will bring trouble one way or another,''

"I don't think he'll forgive me if he knows I kept this from him,''

"But you have to tell him..or else he'll be super angry if he figures out by himself,''

"Ok but can you guys please not tell him?I'll do it myself,''

"Ok but please don't keep it for too long or else it will be messy,''

"Come on we'll take you home,''

Apos pov:

When we reached the airport..the others except Bible and Jeff were there.

I was greeted by hugs and loads of questions.

"Guys I only have two ears,''i said as they kept bombarding me with questions.

"What the hell happened?''asked Build as they all looked at me waiting for an answer.

"Come on guys I'll explain it later let Apo go or he'll be late,''Tong said as he led me to the check point.

"Will you be ok?''he asked as I finished the process.
"Yes thank you,''I said and hugged him tightly.

He was such a comfort person.

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