Chapter 9

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Silently, I wrapped my cardigan around my body tight, walking up the large, wooden stairs slowly. I hated going to bed late. It, using the wise words of Trevor, irked me.

"I'm sorry for making your sweater all wet." I apologised for the fifth time tonight, trudging up the last three steps, making my way to the landing.

"Jo!" He groaned, slapping my arm playfully. "Stop apologising!" He turned and played with my hair.

"Not the hair!" I smiled, whacking his hand away. "So.. Where am I going to sleep?" I asked.

He shrugged. "I don't care. As long as you sleep."

"Can we do what we did when we were smaller?" I asked, hopeful. He chuckled but nodded, and he picked me up.

When we were younger and I was staying at his, he would carry me into his room and we would watch a movie on his bed, then I would lie at the foot of his bed on a spare matress and go to sleep. I loved just talking and being with Trev. He's such a cool guy.

"What shall we watch?" He asked, gently laying me on his bed. I thought for a moment while he opened his DVD cabinet in his desk.

"Something with comedy in it." I laughed. "I need to laugh right now."

He took out a copy of Bridesmaids and put it into the DVD player, avoiding eye contact. I giggled. "You have this HOW?"

"Look, mom had it and she thought it was funny, so she gave it to me. I haven't watched it yet, so I don't know if it's any good." He jumped onto the bed, almost landing on me.

Pressing play, we began to watch it. The movie began, and a few seconds later I was screaming. Oh, God!

"TURN IT OFF! TURN ITN OFF! TURN IT OFF!" I screamed, hiding eyes in the pillow beside me, which smelled like loads of Trevor.

I heard him yelling and trying to find the remote, which was under the bed. I heard too much for comfort, and when the TV was switched off in desperation, I looked up slowly.

Trevor was standing there, hair tousled, eyes popping out of their sockets. I laughed and couldn't stop. "Well..."I began. "I cetinally got entertained."

He chuckled and fixed his hair, laughing with me. "I can't believe my mom wanted me to watch it." He shivered at the thought.

"Wow. This is awkward." I smiled, laughing. "Why did we have to watch it, Trevor? WHY?"

"Come on Jo!" He smiled, lying beside me. "It's one of the acts of nature! It's perfectly normal!"

"Not for a movie that I watch!" I sighed. "This day... could seriously, not get any worse!"

Just then, Trevor's phone began to ring. "Oh, boy, could it!" He moaned, picking up his phone and accepting the call. "Hello? HEY, EMMA!"

I groaned.

"Yes. She is here. No, Emma. No, Emma. EMMA!" He snapped. "We are not dating, kissing and we are certinally not having sex!"

I chuckled.

"Shut up!" He snapped at me. "You too, Emma. You irk me. Try figure that one out for yourself. OR HAVE BRENT DO IT!" He threw his phone down on the bed and groaned.

"When did it become so complicated?" I asked, propping myself up on my elbows. "I mean, three years ago, we could sit here, watch a NORMAL MOVIE and go to sleep. Now, the movie has bad things in it, we can't sit here for three minutes until your ex calls and I wonder how the sleeping's going to go!"

"Jo, I wish it were simple again. Hey! I have an idea! I can turn my phone off, we can watch a U rated movie and we can go to sleep normally, kay?" He suggested. "And to make it even more like old times, I will bring a bag of popcorn and M&M's up."

I smiled and hugged him. "Yeah! Let's!"

An hour later, we're lying on his bed, watching 'Up' with a bowl of popcorn and a packet of crispy M&Ms. I've never watched this movie, and the geek side of me wants to tell Trevor how illogical the possibility of ballon travel to a far away land is. But the shy gal side decides not to.

"Go on. Tell me. I know you want to..." he sighed.

I began my rant. And, by the time my rant had ended, so had the movie. "That was probably the longest ran you have ever given me. You accused me of being the old man a lot and you spat on me. Twice. This is why I never question you. You're scary." He smiled.

"That's why you're my best friend." I nodded, grabbing an M&M, throwing it up and catching it in my mouth. "Score!" I made fake crowd noises. "The crowd goes wilder than when Trevor Morgan made his amazing score during that epic game all those years ago! It has still gone down in school history!" I laughed, being the commentator.

"I know, man. So long. Almost fifty years!" Trevor put on an old guy voice. "But I can still remember the feeling when I was kicking. The feeling that if I did this, I could do anything!" Trevor smiled.

"Really?" I, the commentator asked. "Now, old man, get out of the way, Green's about to make another goal."

I threw three M&M's up, and caught each of them in my mouth, individually.

"How do you do that?" Trevor asked.

"Skills, man!" I smiled.

"Go to bed!" He argued.

"You just got served!"


A/N: U guys will like the next chapter

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