Chapter 6: Learning New Things

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NOTE: I'm going to be writing less now after my last chapter. It would be easier and faster for me to write about 2,000 to 4,000 words in my stories and also beneficial for my audience not to get bored with 6,000 words of a chapter. Anyways, enjoy!

Zero finally felt as if he accomplished something after coming to Earth.

He connected nicely with Iida and proved Aizawa and the hero commission wrong. He felt so good that he even got his clothes put on correctly. Zero already knew the press would be barging into the door, wanting to get a story, so he quickly fled through the backdoor with all the items he needed.

Usually, he would be driven to whatever place he was supposed to get to, but today, the press got most of the U.A.'s staff attention by coming from the side barriers. They were lucky that the students weren't here today. He quickly slipped through the back gates of U.A and onto the street. The cries from the press were heard, but Zero didn't stick around for that as he went through an alleyway. He knew where Yaoyorozu's house was. It stuck out like him in U.A.

The alleyways were supposed to be dark, dingy, and scary to most people, but considering what Zero has seen, it was nothing compared to what he has fought.

"Oi! Move it, chump!" A man in a dark hood snarled, dropping his cigarette. There were other men beside him, wearing dark glasses and gold chains. They looked at Zero and smiled in a not-so-friendly way.

One reached their hand out to touch Zero's shoulder, but the Ultra grabbed it and twisted his wrist, "You got any more brilliant moves?" Zero taunted. The man squirmed and tried to break free. His eyes were watering as he started to kick Zero in the shins.

Nothing hurt him, though. The rest of the shady guys were startled. Some ran, but some were confident enough to go up against Zero. They ran forward, some activating their Quirks, which weren't very flashy.

"You shouldn't mess with us!" someone yelled as Zero dodged a slightly enlarged fist and round-house kicked the man in the neck. A person with a mohawk kicked forward, and a large pressure of wind gusted past Zero, knocking his hoodie down.

The crooks were startled by Zero's sudden presence. One drew a finger and pointed shakily and Zero, "Y—You..." He quickly bowed, "I'm sorry! I—I'm not with these guys!"

He ran away and pushed his friends aside. The rest of them sprinted away, tripping and apologizing to Zero, trying not to provoke him anymore. Zero looked a bit disappointed. He wanted some action since he would be studying English, his least favourite thing to learn.

The reason was he simply found no point in it if humans used translators. To him, it felt like a big waste of time to learn a different language, but he couldn't change anybody's opinion. He was going to put his hood back on until he felt something tugging his shirt.

He looked down. A small child had grabbed Zero's sweater trying to get his attention. "Uh, can I help you kid?"

The girl seemed to be nervous and kept speaking in English, but Zero barely even knew any English. Zero crouched to the child's height, "Sorry kid, I don't speak English. Do you want an autograph or something?" Zero asked, having the defeat of Bemstar in his head, thinking that people liked him more.

The little girl kept saying things in English that Zero couldn't manage to understand. Zero looked over at the girl and saw her attire. Her face was covered in dirt and grime, and most of her clothing's colours were muted from stains. She held a small pink flashlight and was carrying a small backpack. Zero tried to translate to the child that he didn't understand. He shook his head and crossed his arms to form an X. The child slowly started to understand, but Zero didn't wait around, as he would be late.

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