Welcome to Volterra

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AUTHOR'S NOTE: I do not own Twilight.
This is my first fanfiction story so NO MEAN COMMENTS PLEASE! All mistakes are my own. Hope you enjoy the story! :)

Bella's P.O.V.

After Edward and I broke up I decided to travel to Volterra and join the guard. I feel in my heart that the Volturi is where I belong. I know I have to have Aro's approval to join the guard, but I'm not a vampire yet so that'll have to change.

13 hours later after a long plane flight...

I walk up to the huge castle that I remember and I am greeted by Heidi.

"Oh my gosh Bella! Is that really you? How have you been? What are you doing here?" Heidi exclaimed and I suddenly felt overwhelmed with questions.

"Hey Heidi!" I smile at her," I came here to join the guard. Things got kinda lonely back home so I'm moving to Volterra and I remembered the Volturi so I thought maybe I could live here. But I need to talk to Aro first."

"Of course Bella! Let me go find him for you and I'll be right back. Take a seat, I might be a few minutes."

I watched Heidi walk down the long hallway and I started thinking in my head what I was going to say to Aro. He has to remember right? Like how could he forget me? I do miss him though.

Aro's P.O.V.

I was discussing our new laws with my brothers when Heidi bursted into the throne room. I looked at her with confusion. This is so unlike her, she never interuppts us when we're having a meeting.

"Master. There's someone here to see you." I could tell she was excited for some reason.

"Who is it?" I ask suspiciously.

"It's Bella. She said she wants to talk to you."

"Where is she at now? Go fetch her and bring her to me. I'm sorry brothers we'll have to continue this conversation later. I'm going to go attend to Bella."

I left the room before they could say anything. I do wonder why Bella is here though? Does she miss me like how I miss her? It has been very lonely since Sulphicia cheated on me and left.

Bella's P.O.V.

Heidi returned and took me to Aro's study where I waited and waited for him. Finally, he came in the door.

"Hello Isabella. What are you doing here?" I ask nicely.

"Aro, I came to ask about joining the guard. I need somewhere to live. I left Forks because the Cullens just became too much for me to handle. Too much drama." As I started talking about it, I was almost in tears.

"Oh my Isabella. I won't let you join the guard I'm sorry. But I will let you live here. I understand but I want you to know that you are welcome here anytime."

"Thank you Aro." I stood up to hug him and he hugged me tightly back.

"Let me go show you to your new room." He smiled.

I just witnessed Aro smiling which is a rare event. As I looked at him I started to remember how handsome and seductive he is. He led me down hallways I've never seen before. I was looking around and I honestly forgot how beautiful this castle is. Everything is marble or porcelain with big chandeliers, lots of old paintings and big windows that look outside to huge gardens.

"This is the west wing. Caius, Marcus and I live over here. My room is the middle. Caius on the right and Marcus on the left. I wouldn't recommend going into their rooms unless asked but you're welcome into mine anytime." I blushed as he said that. "Your room is across from mine so I can keep an eye on you. Here's the key." He hands me a small but pretty silver key with tiny white diamonds on it.

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