(Piñata Gardener Part 1) Somewhere New

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Crashes of waves and calls of wildlife, seemed out of place.

The last and only thing Ingo could remember was being on the subway with his brother.

Sand was in his mouth, nose, and eyes, why was he on a beach? Could he have fallen asleep? Was it a dream? It felt way too real to be a dream.

The sand looked to have patterns in it, but it only got weirder when he was able to take in his surroundings.

Everything was so colorful and full of life, it was odd. But it soon hit him, where was Emmet?

"Emmet? Em? Bro? He's not here... did he, no he couldn't have. Knowing Emmet he must have gone up ahead"

It was warm, climate seemed to be tropical based on the vegetation.

Who knew if it was an island or a larger land mass, he needed to find out.

"I mustn't derail, I need to get to the bottom to this"

It didn't seem to difficult to make his way through it seemed there was already a path, that seemed to be used. So that could mean that there might be inhabitants, but the question is are they friend or foe.

Out of the corner of his eye he saw what could be a sawsbuck but it looked different, was it some regional variant.

It seemed to be more plump but also a hot pink, purplish blue with a yellow underbelly. It ran off before he could even get a good look.

"I am definitely not in unova anymore... and I highly doubt this is alola either"

He encountered a path that seemed to be man-made with could mean there was people here. In-between the two paths was a sign post.

One sign pointed right, no words but a picture. An apple tree with a odd looking pokemon that looked like a colorful mudstale but was it?

The other sign pointing left was hard to figure out what it was. It looked like a strange pokemon with a green patterned skin, like some kind of politoad.

Looking down both paths he didn't know which to chose for who knew what could be waiting.

"An apple might be a sign of an orchard, meaning there might be people, but if they are friendly to foreigners..."

Ingo started on his path, he set his destination and started forward.

But where was Emmet in this time, well on the other side of the island. Passed out in a tree.

"...I- I am Emmet and everything hurts, arc it hurts..."

It seems that he made a rough landing hitting a tree possibly falling.

"Oh I think I may have broke a rib... ow-"

Finally coming to he started to realize that he wasn't in a subway car anymore.


"Hmm, what is that?"

Over on what looked like a banana tree sat a black and white papery parrot, it tilted it's head curious of this random person.

(Okay cutting in, thing about viva pinata,  piñatas look different in several ways, before they are tame they are black and white, they get color after being tamed)

"Is that some kind of chatot?"

A second one flew in as well as a third. Next thing Emmet knew there was a whole tree of these strange looking pokemon.

(Adding as pokemon since they (the brothers) do not know that these aren't pokemon yet)

He felt almost intimidated by the flock staring him down.

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