What can you really do (Thor)

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"So where is he ?" Fury asks one of his most trusted agents. Waiting to meet The Reaper himself..

"Y/N come in" Natasha says loudly. They look at the door but nobody comes through.

Natasha shakes her head sighing as she goes to get the 16 year old kid.

"Naaattttt" Y/N says whining as the Agent drags him by the ear into the room. He's in his Reaper attire but with the hood down.

"Come on Fury wants to talk to you" she says to him. Y/N lays his head down on her shoulder closing his eyes again.

"Nice to finally meet you Y/N or should I say Reaper" Fury says from behind his desk.

"Why do I hear Fury's voice in my head ?" Y/N asks yawning.

"Because he's right here" Nat says. Y/N eyes shoot open and he sees Fury standing there staring at him.

"Fury" Y/N says walking up to him slowly shaking his hand. He motions Y/N to sit down and he does soon joined by Natasha.

"So what's up Fury ?" Y/N asks sitting back in the chair.

"Being that you have joined us we would like to get an assessment of your abilities up close." Fury says as another agent enters the room.

"Haven't you guys been watching me for months ? That should be enough of an assessment." Y/N says not really seeing why they need an assessment.

"Yes but some of the higher ups want to examine your abilities." Fury says.

"Higher ups want to examine my abilities ? Sounds real sketchy not gone lie." Y/N says looking the three in the face.

"Y/N I told you we're not corrupt" Nat says staring him in the eyes. Y/N looks back at her and then at the agent who walked in.

"Well i'm not doing a test. They can see when i'm actually needed for something real." Y/N says standing up.

Another agent rushes in the room looking concerned for some reason.

"Director Fury, there has been activity in Puente Antiguo, New Mexico. A large Metal creature came from nowhere destroying the city." the agent says.

"Well I guess your needed for something real and would you look at that. We're not that far from New Mexico." Fury says smirking. Y/N smirks before taking off in the blink of an eye.

"20 bucks he doesn't know where he's going." Fury says. Maria Hill who was standing next to him puts 20 on it as well.

"I'll take that bet, I'm sure he knows where he's going" Nat says a little confident that he wouldn't run without knowing where he's going.

A few seconds later Y/N appears back in front of them with a weak smile.

"So uhh where exactly is New Mexico, haha ?" Y/N asks chuckling weakly making Nat groan.

"Let's go" she says standing up walking out with Y/N following. On the way out Y/N can't help but to look at her body. It's perfect and him still being a 16 year old boy no matter how reserved he acts he still gets those feelings.

They get in the quinjet and quickly head to New Mexico. Y/N looks around at the jet in awe of how advanced it is.

"This is dope as hell." Y/N says reaching for a button but gets his hand swatted away by Nat.

Marvel's Reaper ( Male reader x MCU )Where stories live. Discover now