Third Correction, Im not a hunan (Winter Soldier)

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Abandoned military base

"This is it." Steve says as they get out the truck.

"The file came from these coordinates." Nat says putting the phone in her pocket.

"So did I." Steve says as they keep walking around.

"This camp is where I was trained." Steve says as he looks around, clearly reminiscing.

"Changed much?" Y/N asks as he sees Steve taking it in.

"A little." Steve says as he can envision him before the serum running around.

"This is a dead end. Zero heat signature, zero waves, not even radio. Whoever wrote the file must have used a router to throw people off." Natasha says putting the scanner up.

Steve looks at a building and Y/N follows his line of sight. He looks inside using his x-ray vision and he can see the secret elevator.

"What is it?" Nat asks them.

"Army regulations forbid storing ammunition within five hundred yards of the barracks. This building is in the wrong place." Steve says as they walk towards it.

"I saw a shield logo on the wall inside." Y/N says as Steve breaks in with his shield. Y/N turns looking around making sure on one is following them.

They walk inside and walk towards the elevator. Still looking around the main office.

"You think this is where SHIELD started?" Nat asks looking at files.

"Maybe where it started." Steve replies as they walk and see an old picture of two men and a woman.

"There's Stark's father." Nat says making Y/N look at him.

"This is Tony's old man." Y/N says picking up the picture.

"Who's the girl?" Nat asks as Steve just stares at her picture without speaking.

They walk down and find shelves where Y/N said the elevator was.

"Secret entrance?" Nat asks shrugging her shoulders.

"If your already working in a secret office.." Steve starts as he pushes the shelves apart.

"Why do you need to hide the elevator?" Steve finishes.

"Nice to know every generation has been on bull shit." Y/N says as Nat pulls out a device.

" Y/N says as Nat pulls out a device

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"Super spy shenanigans." Y/N says excitedly as he loves when Nat does shit like this.

She puts the code in and the elevator opens. They step in and head down to the lowest level. When the doors open the room in front of them is pitch black.

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