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as Ariana's body hit the wall, her father continued to shove and shout at her.


"I had homework..." She said.

"It doesn't take that long!"

"Well I'm sorry Miss Keane gave us loads!"

"You say that as if you're gonna go anywhere in life!" he barked at her.

"just because you never did nowt with your life doesn't mean I'm gonna do the same!" She barked back.

Her father growled and slapped her hard across the face. She never dared to cry, no matter how much it hurt.

"That's what foul mouthed bitches like you get! Now go, before I kill you!" He shouted. She ran upstairs, and cried into her door, her face burning and her back sore.


the next morning, she was covered in foundation to cover the large mark that was left on her face. Then she saw Mrs Carter with the basket and makeup wipes, and her heart sunk.

She tried to run away from her, but she saw her.

"Eh, Ariana! back here please. you need to remove all this." Mrs Carter said, pointing at her face.

"Eh miss plea-" She began, before she was met with a makeup wipe. She rolled her eyes and walked away to find her best friends, Missy and Nas. Her lifelines.

"Hey girl! oh no, did you get caught with your makeup again? I keep telling you to keep it natural!" Missy said.

"Yeah, I know. I can't believe she saw it!"

"Why have you got that much on any way?" Nas asked. Ariana froze for a second before answering.

"I dunno actually. I better take it off, she's glaring at me." Ariana said, wiping around the unmarked cheek.

"Here, you missed a bit you div." Missy said, grabbing the wipe off her. Ariana hesitated but Missy grabbed her face, wiping quickly. Missy stopped when she saw the hand mark.

"Ariana...he hasn't done it again, has he?" She asked, Nas looked worried.

"Em, would you believe me if I said no?" She asked, but her two friends said nothing and wrapped their arms around her. She always felt so safe around their company.

"We better get to class or Mrs Carter will  kill us!" Ariana said and the girls said bye to Nas.

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