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Ariana came home from school, hearing a child laughing which was very strange considering how glum this house was.

"Hiya, love." Her dad said, acting as if he didn't throw her around the house 12 hours ago.

"What's going on?" She asked, dodging his kind welcome.

"I'd like you to meet your step mother and new baby sister." He said, before a gorgeous woman and a little five year old walked into her view.

"No. Dad what is this?" She asked.

"Now listen-" He began.

"No! I'm not doing this again!" She protested. He turned his lip up in aggression, but swallowed it to impress his fancy woman.

"Please love, everything will be fine. " The woman said to her, making her enraged.

"No, you're not to speak to me. Dad? how could you do this to me again? Did you tell her what happened last night? How did I get this 'allergy?'" she argued. Her father stood up and hauled her out discreetly.

"such an ungrateful cow!" He muttered as he slammed the door behind her. She stood there for a minute and collected herself.  Ariana made her way to Nas' house.

She knocked on the door and waited for an answer. Kaneez opened the door and Ariana flung herself onto her, crying hysterically.

"What is wrong, puttar?" Kaneez asked. Ariana just sobbed and squeaked everything out. When she'd settled, Kaneez sat her down and made her tea.

"I'm sorry for running in like this, Mrs Paracha." She apologized.

"Ah, no no. Where else would you go? Now please, beti, tell me what wrong?" Kaneez said, sitting beside her.

"It's my dad. He's gotten worse. See this? On my face? He did that. And then he brings home a woman and a stinking child playing all happy family. I can't do it anymore, Mrs Paracha!" Ariana cried, burying her head in her hands.

"Oh, Ariana. I am sorry. Do not mind that father of yours."

"It's kind of hard when he's throwing you around like a basketball." She commented. Nas walked into the front room, and was confused but her mother shushed her. Nas sat beside Ariana and rubbed her back.

"Oh hi Nas. just popped in to say hello!" She joked. Kaneez got up to get Ariana a kebab.

"Will I text Missy? or will we go over?" Nas asked. Ariana shrugged and leaned back in her chair.

"I get you some ice for that face, eh na?" Kaneez asked, Ariana chuckled and took the frozen peas.

She spent the evening at Nas' but Mrs Paracha wouldn't let her go home so she stayed the night.

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