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The days were becoming the same and Ariana was so tired of living in her house. Her father was just getting worse the more she refused to like her new mother.

She was in school and her head was reeling. Mr Bell was watching her and was concerned. The bell went but he told her to stay back.

"Is everything okay? you look depressed." He said.

"Yeah, I'm just tired."

"You should go to bed at eight then."

"I went to bed early yesterday." She said.

"Well, if you ever need to tell me owt, I'm here." Mr Bell said, Ariana smiled and she was dismissed. Her smile faded the second she left the room. She felt so drained from everything, little did she know it was only gonna get worse.

At home, her father was rattled with stress. He knew that Lindsey was the one, but Ariana was too selfish too like her. He wanted to change, but she kept dragging him back. And that infuriated him.

When he heard her coming in the door, she waited a minute to see if she was over.

"Hi dad. No Lindsey no?" She asked. He glared at her, absolute disgust filling him.

"Oh shut up. Don't pretend that you want her here." He grumbled.

"I was only asking."

"Yeah, well don't! God, you're so annoying sometimes!" He growled, standing up and joining her in the kitchen. she stared at him, not knowing where any of this is coming from.


"Shut up!" He said quickly, waving his hand for her to stop.

"What did I do?! I'm only asking because she's been here last few days!" Ariana said back. Her father stood up and got right up in her face.

"You listen here, I am being very VERY patient with you. Now, if you don't start accepting Lindsey and Nora as your own then you're out!" He warned.

"You can't chuck me out, Dad. You'd go mental! Stuck in a house with two people who you don't know!" Ariana scoffed. Her dad growled angrily and shoved her onto the floor and picked her back up, slapping her face. It stung, the impact of his hand had physically broken her skin. He then shoved her into the doorway and she left the house. Her nose was bleeding profusely now.

"Go to.... Kaneez." She muttered, as the blood ran out of her nose.

"My god! What's happened you? Quick, get inside!" Razia said, letting and helping her in. Ariana cried like a baby with the pain.

"I'm sorry again, Kaneez. I can't keep burdening you with my rubbish." She said, once her nose had stopped bleeding.

"Oh hush, I am glad you come to me. At least you get proper care. You know you are always welcome, eh?"

Ariana smiled gratefully at the woman.

The next day, Ariana had a cut the size of Russia on her face. Everyone was staring and in Maths, Mr Bell couldn't help but notice it.
After telling the girl to stay behind, he didn't really know how to ask her.

"Who did that to your face?" He asked. He saw her eyes widen with fear for a second.

"I- I fell. In the street. It's nothing really." She played it off.

"Kid, if somethings happening just tell me?" Mr Bell said.

"There's nothing happening! Just stay out of it!" Ariana cried, opening the door and heading to her next class.

Hours went by until it was lunch. She sat there with Nas and Missy, they went to the toilets and Ariana was on her own,  when Cory Wilson appeared out of nowhere.

"Hiya." He said to Ariana. She smiled at him.

"What you doing here?" she asked.

"I was wondering about who the bloke was that did that to your face?" He asked.

"It's no one of your concern, Cory." Ariana shot him down. Cory chuckled.

"Come on, I have to know who did that to your pretty face." Cory tested. Ariana couldn't take it no more and she stood up.

"Leave me alone, Cory! For God's sake!" She shouted, making the whole room go silent.

In the hallways, Ariana was having a breakdown, her face stung so badly and she almost thought it was bleeding.

And guess who showed up in this particular corridor?

None other than Mr Bell himself!

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