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"Ariana?" Mr Bell said. The girl went up to leave, but he caught her. She flinched and shook him off of her in fear.

"What's the matter?" He asked, trying to see what was going on. Then he noticed the large cut on her face.

"Who did that?" He asked over and over again.

"Sir, I'm fine!" She lied, trying to make him disappear. Mr Bell realised how upset she was and calmed her down.

"Now, please tell me what's going on?" He asked her once more.

"What do you mean?" Ariana responded, hoping he wasn't asking about her face.

"Who did that to your face?" Mr Bell asked.

"Oh, I fell. Like I told you earlier-"

"Don't lie to me, Kid. I'm here to help you!"

"I don't need help!" Ariana said, feeling herself getting worked up again.

"Then tell me what happened!" They were arguing now. And Ariana felt helpless. She wanted to tell him, but felt bad. They both stood there in silence, one waiting for an answer and the other wondering what to say.

"Can we talk about it somewhere else? I don't wanna tell you in a hallway." She said. Mr Bell nodded and brought her into an empty classroom.

"Now, in your own time, tell me what's going on." He said, speaking calmly. Ariana took a breath before she began.

"The reason why I have these cuts and bruises everywhere is because....." She paused. She didn't know wether to say it abruptly or find a nicer wording.

"Well, my dad, he's very depressed since Mum left and it doesn't end well for me-"

"What are you saying?" Mr Bell asked.

"And now he's got another new woman and her child, he's trying to play happy families but I'm just being a problem."

"I see. So what does he do?"

Ariana froze, wondering if she should tell the truth.

"Ariana, you can tell me, I'm here to help you." He said, seeing the colour drop in her face.

"Well.. my dad.. h-he gets so angry that he just explodes. He throws stuff, he throws me, he hits stuff, he hits me, you get what I'm saying." She said, picking at her fingers, letting some tears fall.

"My god, no you don't deserve that. No one does. Now, you go back to class and leave this with me, okay?" The girl nodded and headed for the door.



"You're very strong for telling me this, you know that?" He said. The girl smiled and left the room. She felt like she'd been stabbed but also relieved at the same time. Maybe it was over now, that it would stop. Her pain would end. Hopefully.

When she left, she seen Alya walking ahead of her, scurrying off. Ariana thought nothing of it and went back to class. It was Science and she was sat beside Riz.

She liked him, everyone did. But she was good at hiding her feelings and emotions. He was staring at her black eye and cut face. Who could ever do such a thing?

"Everyone, work with the person beside you for this task!" Ms Shariff said. Ariana and Riz looked at each other.

"Miss! I don't have a partner!" Cory called out like a child.

"Then work with Ariana and Riz!" Ms Shariff answered. Cory met eye contact with Ariana and she rubs her neck.

"So, what do yous wanna do for this task?" Riz asked. Ariana shrugged.

"Do A. it's easier" Ariana answered. Just then, the Intercom buzzes and Ariana is called out. She packs her things and goes to Miss Carter's office.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2023 ⏰

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