A shell

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A shell like an egg shell. A shell like a potato shell. An orange shell. A shell like skin.

I am a shell. I am a skin. Skin that covers me. That protects me. ...Does it really? Protects me? From what? But I always feel the cold, this coolness, that chills me to the bone. From pain? But I feel it. Why am I skin? Why am I shell? What if I wouldn't be?

For example, an egg. What if egg was without the shell?

Then it wouldn't be an egg, right? And I wouldn't be skin, right? Skin is everything. Shell is everything.

There's life in it. It borns in it. Inside of me is life.

Hello, I am a SHELL.

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2015 ⏰

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