Chapter Seventeen

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Raindrop had no idea how long she'd stared off into the sky. But she'd evidently dozed off because her mate was no longer beside her when she awoke. She had been aroused by a searing battle cry. Some cat had shouted attack – and it had sounded awfully like Goldenstar - the loud voice, the way cats shrieked after it.

Raindrop skipped off the mossy patch she'd laid on and ran to camp. There was a war going on in there, and the ground was caked in blood. Dead cats pooled blood around them, and most of the deaths seemed to be on WaveClan's side. That was worrying, more than ever. Raindrop felt increasingly nervous as she engaged Silkpelt. She almost let go of the she-cat in shock, remembering the deputy's plea for them to help her. Was she on their side? She wouldn't even know if Silkpelt had killed anyone yet.

"Silkpelt?" she whispered. She was almost frozen with shock. She actually let go, her claws tearing away tufts of Silkpelt's fur but doing no real damage.

Silkpelt turned a merciless stare on her. "Did you think that was ever anything but a ruse to make you trust me?" she whispered, her eyes filled with malice. Raindrop thought the entire world would freeze and tumble over. She had been lied to. She'd never had any reason at all to trust Silkpelt, and yet she'd trusted her anyway. Was that the truth? That she couldn't trust any cat?

"A ruse?" Raindrop whispered, her voice hoarse. A ruse? After it all, after Raindrop had even debated helping her? It had all been a trick?

Silkpelt nodded. "Silkypelt follows me. Minkfur was executed three days ago for treason – she almost crossed the border to check on Eveningprimrose. Winterice and Meadowstalker were also executed – Winterice almost killed Goldenstar when he found out that Eveningprimrose was gone. He was executed, so we thought we might as well execute Meadowstalker too."

Executed? Goldenstar had killed so many of her own? And Raindrop had thought Minkfur heartless and uncaring. But in the end, it was her act of kindness that she had wanted to reach out to her former deputy that had gotten her killed. And Eveningprimrose... did she already know that her parents were dead?

"You killed them?" Raindrop heard a soft voice from behind them. Eveningprimrose, her voice hollow with grief. She had always been the wise one. But the odd thing was that those once lifeless and dull eyes had light in them. It was dim, a dark light. But it was light all the same.

"You thought we'd let them live?" Silkpelt asked, her voice nearly a cackle. "You don't understand why I'm deputy, do you? Because I would never. Ever. Betray Goldenstar."

"You killed them," Eveningprimrose whispered, her voice coming in rapid hisses. "YOU KILLED THEM."

Raindrop had never in her life seen the former deputy so out of control. She had always been calm, controlled and energetic all at the same time. But those eyes were dark with fury. Eveningprimrose unsheathed her claws, and Raindrop knew that was going to be a battle to the death. She should help, but it was Eveningprimrose's fight.

"I hate you," Eveningprimrose whispered. "I hate every fiber of your body."

Silkpelt smiled and sidestepped naturally.

Eveningprimrose didn't wait. She showed no mercy, and she lunged. Raindrop hadn't seen the movement before, but she'd heard. No, it wasn't that lunging was legendary. It was the way her muscles rippled beneath her pelt and they bunched as she jumped. The natural aura, the skill for fighting. Eveningprimrose was a close descendant of Froststar. Froststar had never had children, but her brother had.

And Eveningprimrose was one of those descendants.

She killed Silkpelt heartlessly and Raindrop saw Silkpelt's body fall. And Eveningprimrose watched on with a stoic expression. Then she let Silkpelt's lifeless body drop to the ground.

CotS #2: A Brighter Future (currently being rewritten)Where stories live. Discover now