bruised domesticity

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𝖙𝖗𝖎𝖌𝖌𝖊𝖗 𝖜𝖆𝖗𝖓𝖎𝖓𝖌𝖘 𝖑𝖎𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖉 𝖎𝖓 𝖔𝖕𝖊𝖓𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝖆𝖚𝖙𝖍𝖔𝖗'𝖘 𝖓𝖔𝖙𝖊


going clubbing every night, getting high and drunk, and then coming home to have sex, for over a week straight, is just as exhausting as one would assume.

so, even though it was new and different and a step further from just being fuck-buddies, punz couldn't refuse when sapnap suggested that they have a night in. the ravenette had flashed him puppy eyes after their shower, begging that they tuck back into bed, and that was all it took to convince the blond.

now here they are, punz with his legs flat, sapnap with his crossed, sitting beside each other as they eat away at the takeout they had ordered. sapnap had offered to cook, like he always did, but punz said that they may as well make the most of the day off.

there's two joints of weed on the bedside cabinet waiting too, the boys mutually deciding that they should eat a full meal for once before getting high, and not going crazy with alcohol or any higher-class drugs.

if punz is being honest with himself, this is exactly the dream life he imagined when he ran away.

he just hadn't anticipated to have someone sat beside him. he always pictured himself going solo but part of him knows, deep down, that this is better. better, as in, more enjoyable but also better, as in, better for him. for his health. for his happiness.

"do you want my last nugget?" sapnap offers with a mouthful of burger, holding it up. "i'm full."

punz hates that he doesn't find it gross. he hates that it makes him smile, his tummy going queasy in the nicest way possible.

"sure," he replies, holding his hand out. "can i have some ketchup?"

the blond expects it to be passed to him, watching with a confused expression as sapnap himself dips the chicken nugget into the little ketchup pot he had. he holds it up and, catching on, punz opens his mouth (not without a fond eye roll).

sapnap reaches forward to feed the blond, very obnoxiously purposefully missing his mouth and smearing some ketchup over the side of his lip and cheek before actually feeding punz the food.

the blond grimaces at the wet feeling, though the expression is quickly wiped away with the warm slide of sapnap's tongue up his cheek, licking the sauce away.

sapnap sits back on his thighs to see punz's wide-eyed expression, half-grossed out and half-surprised.

punz can see the way that sapnap tries to contain himself, the ravenette practically shaking from his attempts to conceal his laughter, lips sealed as his eyes begin to water from amusement.

"it's not funny," punz says with feigned seriousness which, in the end, is what really sets sapnap off, making the ravenette fold over himself with how hard he laughs, the glee filling his body with small shivers. "stop laughing," the blond says, internally praying that he won't stop his bright giggles.

"sorry, i ca-can't help it." more laughter.

"you're a bitch." fake annoyance.

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