Suna Siblings Past

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Time Rewind , 3 years ago
(  1 year Before meeting Kiyo )  -

Nozomi Pov

" We need money !"

" But dear , we got Nozomi in that private school and she is the top student "

" I know , it cost a lot of money to put her in that school. Luckily we will be getting money off that brat in the future "

Huh? Oh right those people fighting in kitchen ... Are my Parents. They always guilt trip me about how they spend so much money keeping me alive and now they spend even more for my education. I sighed as I walked back to my room , I stopped in the hallway as I hear my brother mumbling something

His room was right across from mine and our parent's room was down the hall , I look around to check if the coast was clear before quietly knocking at his door

" Come in "

He said on the other side of the door . I crack open the door enough to stick my head inside

" Hey Rin , watcha doin "

I said with curious tone

" Homework , wanna come in and check them . It's math"

I quietly giggled and walked in the room I make sure the door is closed before walking to his bed and jumping onto it

He spun his spinny chair to face me and handed me the paper , yeah I know he was in middle school and I was in elementary but he knew how much I loved math so he always lets me see his . He even help me with getting into my school

You see, my school is a fancy private school for really smart kids . You have to pass a test to get in and he taught me everything! And now I'm the smartest kid in school, I'm always bullied and stuff but he was always the person I could run too when I needed him  , I am so grateful for that

" Hey , earth to Nozi "

I was cut from my thoughts as I heard that nickname, I  frowned up at him and said

" I told you about that nickname "

" It's a good one "

" No it's not"

" Fine , Dummy "

" How bout I call you stupid "

" Fine ... Noz "

" Well it's Better then Nozi I guess , nice job stupid "

He started to pout at me and I laughed lightly

" Fine Rin , but imma still use stupid "

He then smiled

" Only if can call you whatever I want "

" You better not use a corny one , Deal ? "

I said ,  he held up his pinkie and I held up mine ,interlocking it with his

" Deal  "

He said , and soon let go . After a few minutes he got out two books one for me and one for him . We sat there reading the books until we heard our parents talking  in the kitchen

" That stupid brat better start raising his grades or else he is out of the will "

" Come on sweetie, he will rise his grades and if not then maybe a sports scholarship will do "

They were talking about Rin.
I turn to look at him , he had a sad face but the moment he saw me looking he gave me a smile

" Don't worry Noz, it'll -"

I cut him off by jumping on him , he was still sitting on the chair but I didn't care , he was sad ... I don't want him to be sad

" Don't be sad Rin "

I hugged him tight and he soon hugged back

" I'm fine Noz "

I hate how they treat us but it'll get better ...right ?


- Time skip , 1 year ( The day They met Kiyo ) -



There was loud banging at the front door , my parents answered it while I hid in the corner . When they opened the door an old man was there and they let him in but... He wasn't alone , there was a Brown hair boy that was around Rin's age . He had Blue eyes and was about Rin's hight


My eyes widen as I see ... RIN ...H-he had tape over his mouth and his hands tied behind his back ...and ...was that a mark on his cheek

" R-rin "

I said with a quiet shaky voice

' H-he looks so scared '

I was about to run towards him but he looked at me he was shaking his head side to side . What ... Did he not wanna be saved

I looked at him scared and on the virge of tears , he looked like he was too

With a few tears going down my face I mouthed

" I Promise I Will Save You "

He nodded and before I knew it he was being pulled outside , Why was he getting pulled away

I then ran towards them , but my parents blocked the door


I shouted at them trying to push past

" Those people paid a great price for him so leave them be "

I started up at pa ... Did he just say ....price

" P-price .... You ... You sold him ?"

" We needed the money for your school sweetheart "

My ma said

I took a few steps back , I then turned around and ran to rin's room , I slammed the door and locked it , I slid my back down the door and curled up in a ball

" way , no way he was sold ... Will I see him ever again? .... Was that the last thing I would have ever said too him?... "

I then started crying but then I froze as I remembered a few words he said yesterday

" If you ever think I'm never coming back then play a game of  'Clues' in my room, Kay "

I then stood up and walked to his desk , I pulled out a drawer then I pulled a paper that said

" Check the highlighted pages in your favorite science text book , use your brain dummy "

I knew exactly what he was talking about, I quickly grabbed the book from his book shelf , the table of contents had certain pages highlighted page 254 page 229 and page 497 I turned to each page . 254 had a - after the page number but only 497 had nothing and there was a note and a -7 infront of the page number 497 .497 or should I say -7497 also had a note , and the not said

" Put the numbers together, no adding no subtraction. Only use when you get a phone , I have a good friend her name is Aiko , she is also our cousin . She has friends in the police force and she will get you a phone . Tell her everything!  I will tell you more when you get the phone . You may have to be patient okay , it will take a long time before we see each other again. Stay strong for me and Don't you dare forget me - love , Stupid  "

The moment I finished reading it I was crying and was hugging the letter

" Rin "


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