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What (most) girls like in boys:
•when they hold the door
•when they call you pretty
•when they (mainly your crush) talk to to
•when they dress decently
•when they actually pick up the after shave every once in a while
•when they still sleep with a cuddly toy

What (most) girls dislike in boys:
•when they wear enough hair gel to stick Taylor Swift to the ceiling
•when they're immature
•when they constantly talk about stupid crap
•when they smell like horse sh*t
•when they boast about stuff
•when they think they're the most awesome person in the world
•when they don't know the difference between clean and dirty
•when they throw stupid tantrums
•when (your boyfriend) constantly ignores you and useds you for popularity
•when they ask for a pencil every friggin day
•when they're just generally stupid

Please comment if u disagree or if you liked/disliked one of the dislikes/likes... does that make sense? Xx

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