Chapter 6 - Lies and More Lies

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She made her way back to the hospital; the day was increasingly warmer than earlier. She tugged off her sweater and got out of the car with the journal and bag in hand. It was time for answers.

She made it up to the fifth floor and back to that room. The young man was dressed in jeans and a tight fitting black shirt and looked up as she entered the room. She was nearly swooned by the look he gave her.

Get a grip Jen; you have questions to be answered.

"Hi again." She said.

"Hey, what brings you back so soon?"

"I have something I like you to look at." She said and handed him her father's journal. "It almost looks like the one I found in your car."

He looked at her in alarm, their secret was out. "What do you need to know?"

"How is it that my father knew of your father and of you and Sam, yet I've never seen you?"

He looked at her oddly, "Who was your father?"

"Michel Wilson."

"You're Jennifer?" he said in disbelief.

"It's Jen, and yes."

"Michel told us you went back east to be with your mother. Why are you here?"

She sighed, "I came back here a few years ago. You knew Alex didn't you?"

Dean nodded, "He was a cool guy."

"Did my dad tell you he died in an accident much like yours?"

"What? How?"

"Truck driver drove into his car, in the same spot you got hit and on November 2."

"Damn Jen, I didn't know."

She nodded, "I thought as much. You didn't know I was nearly married to Alex's best friend Jeremiah either?"

He shook his head, "What happened?"

"I gave him the boot not more than half an hour ago."

Dean laughed, "Boy, you are so much like your brother."

"Jeremiah was too controlling for my liking. Didn't like it that I'm a medic. Wanted me to give up my life to be his wife. I threw the ring at him and told him to go to hell."

"I don't blame you." He said and stood, "You were destined to be more than a medic anyways. Your father was going to tell you about what he did. I guess he didn't."

"What did he do Dean?"

"He was a hunter. A supernatural hunter."

"Huh?" she said.

"He hunted down spirits, demons, ghosts, much like my father, brother and I do."

"There is no such thing as ghosts though."

"Read your father's journal and our father's, then you'll realize the world around you is far more dangerous than you've ever dreamed of."

She took a seat on the edge of the bed and pulled her bag on her lap, bringing out the book she found before she left the house. "So these pictures, articles in this book are what my dad went after?" she asked as she handed him the book.

He placed them both on the windowsill. "Your father was a contact for us. He was always seeking out the supernatural for us. When we heard of his death, we knew he had hid the journal and this book. At the time we thought you knew, so we kept away to see. When you didn't contact us, our father asked my brother and I to back off. We never meant to drag you in."

"You didn't. I found these books a few months ago when I was cleaning out my father's library. I'm selling the manor; I can't take care of it on my salary alone these days."

Dean nodded, "I heard of the pending sale. Dad was going to come by and talk to you about looking for these books. They are only useful to us now."

"What are we going to do now Dean? The hospital needs names for you three or they will transfer you to the free clinic in town and many don't survive there. That and all your stuff from the car is now sitting in my garage."

"What are we going to do Jen?"

She sat there, pulling out a journal. "I have here names of three of my cousins, and IDs to boot. My insurance will pay for the medical bills, since I pay for them as it is. The car is in my name, I don't know why but I own the Impala. Maybe your dad did it to keep it safe, I don't know. But these names were in the journal. Maybe you and your family were meant to use them?"

"Maybe." He said, "What are the names?"

She opened the planner, "James, Darin and Sal White. Each letter is the letter of your first name and W is for Winchester. Dad had this planned out didn't he?"

He was about to open his mouth when Dean threw his jacket over the journals and Jen closed the planner. Dr. Ryan entered the room and was surprised to find Jen.

"Jen, what an unexpected surprise. What brings you here?"

"I found out who this young man and the other two are. Thank god for photo albums and Aunt Mauve. This is my cousin Darin White."

"So we have names and IDs?"

She handed him the IDs she'd made. He was satisfied. "I'll get the paperwork written up so that your cousin Sal is kept on monitor. He's awake but he's complaining that he can't see and that his name is Sam."

Dean winced as Jen nodded, "He did have head trauma. This is always the case for that right Dr. Ryan?"


She turned to Dean, "He'll be alright Darin." And gave him a small hug.

"Jen, I'll release Darin and," he looked at the IDs and handed them back to Jen after jotting down the names, "James to your care. You still live out at that manor don't you?"

She nodded, "Yeah."

"Good. They can stay there. I know they aren't going to be far from Sal."

"Alright. We can leave now?"

"Yes. Let me get a nurse to wheelchair Darin here out."

"Dr. Ryan I know its policy but I have to get going, is it alright that we walk? I have to get to the realtor in 10 minutes."

He nodded, "Go. No one is going to question me; we're understaffed as it is."

She smiled, "Thank you." Before helping Dean from the room.

Dr. Ryan stepped from the room, "Oh Jen, James is on the bench by the doors. Make sure to get him."

She nodded before disappearing around the corner and Dean stood, walking alongside her. "Wow, you are just as good as I am at lying."

"I learned from the best Dean. Alex could lie himself out of anything."

Dean nodded, "Welcome to our lives then hun. Sam and I have had to lie for the past few months."

Jen didn't want to hear this, she couldn't, but what lies had her father told her over the years? She was going to have to look hard and long over her life and possibly the lies her father told.

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