Chapter 12 - Kick Ass Time

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Sam sat in the hospital bed; he'd thrown the pillow at the door. He shook his head, Dean could be such an ass, but that was his brother for him. He sighed and lied back, hopefully Dean would find dad before he scared another girl half out of her mind. He shook his head; the poor nurse was so scared. Her eyes were so large that she was about to cry.

"Dad has to chill." He muttered and grabbed the remote to switch on the television. The local news came on and shots of a brutal murder came up. The volume went up as Sam listened.

'Local woman Anneliese Wilton, 23, died last night after brutally being attacked in her home. The cause of death is still unknown at this time. Police have evidence of a break-in, but have yet to release a statement.'

They cut to a picture of the house and Sam saw something he thought he killed a long time ago. Meg.

"Shit!" he said.

Sam began to pull the IVs from his arm and climbed out of bed when the alarm went off. The door a few moments later came crashing open, Dean standing there anxiously looking about the room. "What the hell are you doing Sammy?"

Sam sighed, "We got more problems than the doppelganger and the demon, Meg is alive and killing again."

Dean was about to speak when a nurse rushed in and glared at Sam, "What do you think you're doing buster?"

"Leaving. I'm going to sign myself out and leave. I'm tired of being here."

"You just woke up!"

Sam shook his head, "I hate being confined."

The nurse pushed him back in bed and tsked at him, "In a week if and I mean IF, you are still this stubborn will Dr. Andrews discharge you. He is the only one that can discharge you, not any other way."

Sam was about to argue when Dean placed a hand up to stop him, "She's right Sal, we don't know how hard you hit your head, so you need to rest."

Sam pushed the woman gently away, "I'm leaving and that's final."

The woman sighed; "I'll get the papers for discharge." she said and left the room.

Sam dressed quickly and packed his belongings, looking over his shoulder to Dean who shook his head. "What if you get sick Sam? Dad will kill me."

Sam shrugged, "We got work to do."

"No we - " he stopped as the nurse came in and handed some papers to sign, "This is a Statement AMA, meaning Against Medical Advice, by signing this you are agreeing that you know the risks and are still willing to leave."

Sam signed his forgery name and handed the papers to the nurse, "Thank you." he said and started for the door. "Who was the young woman that came in before?"

"Alison? Young and pretty, blond hair?" the woman asked.


"She's on break down in the cafeteria. You want to leave a message?"

"Yeah, tell her thank you. That and I'm sorry for my father's behavior."

"I heard." she said as she walked into the room and paused, "You're leaving?"

Sam nodded, "I have to get home."

"But -" she stopped, "Alright but please be careful."

"I will Alison. Thank you." he said and gave her a small hug before leaving the room, dragging Dean behind him.

"What are we going to do now?" Dean asked.

"We find dad, tell him Meg is alive and then find that doppelganger."

Dean grumbled, "And dad is going to kick both our asses to boot, thanks a lot Sammy."

"It's Sam bitch." and left the building, crossing the parking lot following Dean to the Impala where they found their father.

"Sam?" John said. "What are you doing out here?"

"Leaving. We got a doppelganger and Meg to tend with."

John looked at him shocked, "That's my boy." he said and Dean's jaw dropped, "Have I entered the Twilight Zone?" he asked.

John laughed, "No, I saw the news and knew Sam saw it too; I knew he'd want to get back to business. You and I have rubbed off on him."

"Just what I need..." Dean said and climbed into the car, "Let's go then."

Sam and John climbed into the car and made it back to the hotel where they were staying. Sam plugged in his laptop and did some research while Dean and John looked over the journal from the doppelganger for any information they would need.

"Sam, are you sure you're alright?" Dean asked.

Sam gritted his teeth, "Yes I'm fine. Now can we get some work done?"

Dean nodded and turned his attention back to the journal and John gave him a stern look. Dean knew he needed to let Sam be, he was an adult now and could take care of himself.

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