Chapter 11 - Girls, Kids, A Normal Life...Say What?

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John took a seat near Dean, he had to calm himself, his heart would give out if he kept the build up rage deep inside him, yet as he looked at his son, he realized that he had questions to answer. It was time Dean knew the truth after all these years.

"Dean, can we talk?"

Dean shifted in his chair, "Yes dad?"

"There's something I need to talk to you about."

Dean looked at his father, "What is it dad?"

"There are things in life I would love to change. First and foremost, having you and Sam with me when I went on hunts. It was unfair to the both of you. If I could change that part in life I would. I wanted both you and Sam to succeed in life, not follow in my footsteps."

"Come on dad, it wasn't that bad."

He held up a hand, "It was bad Dean. If child welfare or the police had found out our condition, I could have lost you both."

Dean shook his head, "Come on dad, it's the past. We have far more other things to worry about."

John sighed, "You don't understand Dean, and you need to know that I'm uneasy with this arrangement. I never wanted you and Sam to be a part of the hunt. You both need to be in school, hell even married and living normal, happy lives."

"I'm happy with my life, dad."

"Had you ever thought of a wife, kids Dean? You're not going to be young forever."

Dean snorted, "I'll leave the normal Brady family life to Sam. On the other hand, I like my freedom."

John shook his head and sat back, closing his eyes. Dean was a hard ass to get through and sooner or later both he and Sam were going to realize that his health was far worse then he let on.


"Yeah Dean?"

"I know you wanted everything for me, but I made my choices a long time ago. Cassie was the first real girl in my life and well, I blew it with her. I don't think I can be like that again, I'm better off alone."

"Someday son, the right girl will come into your life and you'll know it."

Dean shook his head, he was skeptical and it would take a long time for him to realize that.

"Mr. White?" a female voice said both John and Dean looked up to a young woman in her mid twenties with shoulder length wavy red hair. "We've found Sal. He was wandering down in the other hallway, apparently he awoke and got scared and took off."

"Why wasn't anyone watching him?" John yelled and the poor girl winced.

"I'm sorry, if I was on duty I would have realized, but I just got here."

Dean placed a hand on his father's shoulder, "It's fine, we're just glad that Sal is safe."

She nodded, "Another nurse will bring him in, and I must go." She said and Dean caught the tears falling down her cheeks. He turned to his father, "Good going dad, you say I'm stubborn yet you made the poor girl cry."

"Well I don't want Sam hurt!" he said and grimaced as Sam was led into the room. The nurse gently coaxed him back on the bed and re-hooked him to the various monitors. "Now Mr. White you must stay here."

Sam shook his head and looked at Dean, a pleading look in his eyes, "Come on Sal, you need to rest, that accident took you hard."

"I'm fine."

John placed a hand on him, "Do as the nurse says Sal, you need to rest. We'll be here if you need us."

He sighed, "Fine."

The nurse nodded and padded out of the room. John grimaced, "Don't ever do that again Sam or I'll kill you myself. You understand?"

Sam nodded.

"Good. Now as you heard, you're Sal White. Dean is Darin and I'm James. We need to keep these names for now."

"Who was the girl that was here?"

John and Dean looked at one another, stunned, "What girl?" they asked.

"Her name was Jen. She said she was a friend."

John cursed, "She is no girl Sam, and she's a doppelganger."

"Oh crap." He said and closed his eyes, "I had a feeling she wasn't normal."

Dean snorted, "She almost killed dad, so she isn't normal at all."

"No shit Dean."

A knock sounded at the door and it creaked open, the young nurse entered, "I'm just leaving a blanket for Sal. I won't be but a minute." She said quietly.

Dean stopped her, "I'm sorry about before. We didn't mean to upset you."

"It's fine." She said.

Sam was looking confusedly, "What happened?"

"Dad yelled at her."

Sam gave his father a look, "Good going dad."

John threw his hands in the air, "Alright! I'm sorry. Is that better?"

"Dad..." Sam said.

John opened the door and hastily walked out the door, Dean shook his head. "I'm sorry about him. He's been on edge lately."

She nodded, "It's fine, but I'll leave you two to go. I'm needed somewhere else."

"Wait." Sam said, "What's your name?"


"I'm Darin and you know my brother Sal. It's nice to meet you."

She smiled, "It's nice to meet you too."

Darin took her small hand into his, "Thank you for everything."

"No problem." She said.

She left the room and Dean turned to Sam, "She's really sweet."

"Yeah she is." Sam agreed, "But she is really sensitive too."

Dean laughed, "Like you aren't."

"Oh let's not go there again Dean."

Dean grinned, threw a small pillow at his brother and said, "Wuss boy is back in town." As Dean left the room, the thud of the pillow connecting with the door was heard and Dean grinned to himself. "Good try Sammy boy." He thought and walked down the busy corridor.

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