Chapter 1

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This chapter is dedicated to AlanahEvans1 and Jess, who doesn't have an account on here- yet. Alice's description is actually AakaahEvans1 and Marlene is Jess.
Please comment and rate!

Lily sighed in frustration and crossed out that last three lines on her parchment. Stupid James Potter and his 'marauder' gang, messing around every night when people were trying to revise! She slammed her pen down on the table and started to pack away her things she'd go upstairs and do it her dorm.

She was walking towards the staircase, of looking were she was going when she bumped into someone. She looked up and then quickly pulled out her wand.

"Get out of my way Potter, or I'm going to hex you," she said quietly.

He raised his eyebrows. "I thought you didn't agree with hexing people for no reason. That's what you say when I hex Snape."

"I have a reason. Your a complete arsehole James Potter! Now get out of my way." When he showed no sign of moving she lifted her wand higher and shouted "levicorpus!"

James was lifted into the air by his ankle and the whole common room shook with laughter. She walked past him and headed up the stairs, flicking her wand behind her so he fell to the floor with a crash. She heard everyone in the common room laugh again and a small smile crept across her face. Good, she thought. That's what he deserves.

Lily went into her dorm and it was empty so she lied down on her bed and looked up at the plain ceiling. What have I done! She thought. That's not me! I don't do that to people! Potter does, he's the one who hexes and curses people for no reason...

I'm an idiot, I'm stressed about the exams and I took it out on him for no reason. She sighed and rolled over to go to sleep she'd have time to study tommorow all she wanted to do now was sleep. There was no point worrying now anyway, she'd just apologize in the morning.


James was still on the floor. She stared up at the stairs speechless until padfoot helped him up. What had he done to deserve that? Ok, he hexed and jinxed Snape whenever he could but that was only because he was an idiot. Hanging around with his 'death eater' mates and throwing himself at Lily any chance he got. He treated her like rubbish and she couldn't even see it. Ok, maybe he was a little jealous, she spent so much time with him instead of hanging around with people in Griffindor... He just wished she'd give him a chance.

"Prongs," someone said. "Are you coming or what?" Remus said.

"What? Where?" James said stupidly.

"To bed James," he said slowly. "Are you ok? You haven't said a word since Lily went upstairs."

"I... yes I'm fine," he stood up and they walked up to the dormitory to see Sirius was reading a joke book, quietly laughing to himself and Peter was already snoring. James climbed into bed and sank into an uneasy sleep filled with dreams about Snape and Lily.

James woke up feeling more tired than he did before he went to sleep. He dragged himself out of bed and got dressed. He was the only one left in the dorm so he assumed everyone was down at breakfast. He walked down the stairs to the entrance hall an was heading towards the great hall when someone called him.

"James," they shouted.

He turned around and was about to tell them to leave him alone when he saw who it was.

"Lily," he said surprised to see her. He thought she hated him.

"I'm... I'm sorry about yesterday. I was just angry because I as trying to study and you were all being loud," she said.

"Its fine. I didn't realise you were revising. I promise I'll be quieter if that helps."
"Thank you James," she said, obviously glad that the apology was over.
"Its fine, I don't mean to offend you. I never do," he replied.
"I know," she sighed. She turned around and walked away, but not before saying, "by the way, the others are sitting down by the lake."

James headed straight out of the entrance hall to find his friends. When he finally found them next to the big oak tree next to the lake he was still thinking about his conversation with Lily. He loved the way she said his name, normally he would have asked her to call him prongs but she sounded so cute wen she said James.

"Prongs!" Sirius shouted. "For gods sake, am I to assume that you and the lovely Lily have made up?" he said, and amused look on his face.

James sighed, whenever he seemed happy they always assumed it was something to do with Lily. Well most of the time it was, but that really wasn't the point.

"Yeah, I just spoke to her," he said running his hand through his hair. James was absentmindedly watching Hagrid an his new puppy fang playing in the pumpkin patch when Remus put his book down an looked up at his three best friends.

"Its a full moon tonight guys, I just wanted to say that you don't have to meet me if you don't want to. I know it must be scary for you guys."
He put his head down. James glanced at Sirius, Remus was right, it was scary. But that didn't mean he had to be ashamed of who and what he was. Sirius shot a meaningful look towards James and then hit his friend on the shoulder.

"Remus your an idiot. We want to make sure that you don't hurt anybody, you'd do it for us."

"Of course I would," Remus said smiling. James smiled at the sincerity that was on his face, it was nice to know somebody would always have your back. "It's not the point though," Remus continued.
"Yes, moony it is. It's exactly the point," James said. "Now, we've got a quidditch match against Slytherin next week so we need to train padfoot. Do you want to go down to the quidditch stadium now?"

"Yeah, sure," he replied lazily.


Lily spent all day with her best friends, Alice and Marlene. They were really beautiful girls and they meant the world to her. Alice was kind of nerdy and weird, she loved reading, just like Lily. Marlene was awesome, she had the whole tall, dark and beautiful thing going on for her. On the down side, she was totally In love with Sirius Black so any other boy was out of the question. The girls spent the day studying for a test in Defence the Dark Arts. Alice was helping Lily with the disarming spell- Expelliarmus. Lily had been to ill that day and was in the hospital wing instead of lesson. She'd asked Professor Sturpage about it but had never really got the hang of it.

She was really nervous about the Defense Against the Dark Arts test. It was the only lesson were she really struggled with the spells. Professor Sturpage was a really good teacher and she could always ask him to help, but she didn't like to.

"Thanks for your help, Al."

"Its fine Lil, you help me all the time," she said smiling.

Lily began packing all her things into a bag. 'I'm going to go to library, ok Al, Mar?' she said glancing at them both.

"Yes its fine Lil, I wish you wouldn't call me that," Alice said, scowling.

Lily just laughed and then headed towards to library.

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