Chapter 4

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Hi guys, I hope you are enjoying my fanfic! I would really appreciate your feedback and votes :) The picture above is what I imagine the teenage Remus Lupin looks like.  Also, I would just like to say that in this chapter I will be introducing my own character, her name will be Alanah Herondale and for the sake of this story she will share the dorm with Lily and the other girls. Please enjoy the chapter and let me know what you think!

Also, this chapter is mainly setting up some stuff for major storylines so i'm sorry if it's not that good...

Lili found Remus under a tree near the lake. When she spotted him, she noticed that his eyes were red and puffy as if he'd been crying.
"Remus, what's wrong!?"
He just laughed without humour and looked at me.
"As if you don't know," he said bitterly.
"Remus, I have absolutely no idea what your talking about."
He turned in her quickly and she jumped.
"How could you Lily? Out of all my friends, I thought you'd understand, that it wouldn't change the way you thought of me! And yet, the first thing you do is make a sly comment that will have everyone questioning where I am! How could you betray me like that?" Slowly, his words when's from a shout to quietly talking.
Lily took a step backwards, she still didn't understand what she was supposed to have done.
"Remus, I really have no idea what I've done."
He noticed she had tears in her eyes and his heart sank, did she actually not know? Oh gods, what had he done?
"Lily, please don't upset," he said quietly. "I.. I thought that you had done something, it's my mistake."
He took her into his arms an hugged her warmly. As much as he wished he hadn't upset her, just knowing that she didn't betray him mad him feel so much better.
"Let's go to the common room," he said, she smiled a little and nodded. They headed toward the common room together.
Lily went up from the common room and into her dormitory. She was rummaging around for a transfiguration book when she realised she wasn't alone.
"Oh, hey Alanah. How come your up here by yourself?" she asked. Alanah was a beautiful girl with shoulder length brown hair. She was energetic and quirky, definitely... unique. She had always been in the dormitories with her, Marlene and Alice. She spent most nights in the common room, so they never really spoke.  Alanah had a different group of friends.
Alanah looked at Lily steadily before answering.
"Oh, it's a long story. I just can't be bothered with my friends anymore."
Lily, sensing that there was more to it, sat on the edge of her bed.
"Why what's going on? I thought you and Mary got on really well."
"We did," she replied sadly. "But lately she seems to spend most of her time with Jess and I've noticed that she keeps making sly remarks around me. It's okay anyways," she said lifting a transfiguration book. "I need to concentrate on my N.E.W.T's more."
Lily smiled. "I'm studying transfiguration too. C'mon, we'll go down the common room. You can help me, you've always been better at it in class."
Lily got up and left the dormitories without giving Alanah a chance to say no. Alanah smiled, glad that she didn't have to spend the rest of the day on her own and went down to the common room to join her new friend.
Alanah glanced around the common room for Lily, and found her straight away. She was sat on an armchair in front of the fire. And she was sat opposite Remus Lupin. Alanah repressed a sigh.
It wasn't that she didn't like him, it was the opposite. She did like him - a lot. But she had no idea how to show it, instead she usually just showed herself up.                                                                    "Hey," she said casually, sitting down next to Lily. "How are you both?"                                                "I'm great, just concentrating on these exams," said Lily.                                                                         "Same," said Remus with a smile. "What chapter of the revision guide are you on?"                                    "I'm on chapter 7," Alanah said slowly. "Inanimate objects into animals. I'm finding it really hard actually. I just can't seem to get the hang of it."                                                                                                     Lily watched with raised eyebrows as Remus edged closer to Alanah and began explain the techniques he used to remember spells from the revision guide. He glanced up and met her eyes with a blush, she raised her eyebrows questioningly and he mouthed the word 'later'. She quietly left them to it and went to join Sirius and Marlene.                                                                                                        "Hiya Mar, Sirius. How are you?" she asked. "Good," they both said at the same time. They laughed a little bit, and Lily, sensing an awkward atmosphere glanced at her best friend. Marlene's eyes begged Lily for help, something only a best friend can tell from a look.                                                                     "Mar," she said quietly. "Can I speak to you in the dorms please?"                                                             She glanced at Lily, her gratefulness evident on her face. "Oh, of course Lils."                                              •°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•                                                                                                                                         Lily sighed. What the hell was going on with everybody today. First Remus and then this.                         "Right Mar, explain this to me again."                                                                                                                 "Lils I've already told you twice," she sighed. "We were just talking, all casual. And then he told me he liked me. Like, really liked me. He asked if I would go on a date with him in Hogsmede. I said I didn't think it was a good idea. And then you came over."                                                                           "You told him you didn't think it was a good idea?"                                                                                             Marlene sighed again. "Yes, I did."                                                                                                                       "But Mar, why!?" Lily was so confused. Marlene and Lily had been friends since first year and in all that time - literally since the first day - Marlene had a huge crush on Sirius.                                                   "I don't know Lil. As much as I like him, he's such a player. I don't want to be another girl that he uses up and tosses to the side." Lily realized Marlene had tears in her eyes.  "It's just to hard to trust him Lils..."                                                                                                                                                                           •°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•                                                                                                                                         "Sirius, you in here?" James looked around the dorm, saw Sirius was on his bed and went over to join him.                                                                                                                                                                                "Do you want to go-" James began, but on seeing the look on Sirius' face he stopped. "Oh hell, whats wrong with you?"                                                                                                                                                 "I- don't get mad okay?- I told Marlene I really liked her and asked her to go on a date with me..." he said slowly.                                                                                                                                                                          A grin broke out over James' face, so that's why Sirius was acting odd. He thought James was going to be angry with him for asking out Marlene. Of course, James had known Marlene for years and there were like brother and sister... But it didn't matter. James could see how much Sirius liked her, he wouldn't hurt her.                                                                                                                                       "Padfoot, that's great! When's the date?"                                                                                                                 "There isn't one James. She said she didn't think it was a good idea."                                                             Now James was confused. He had watched - along with everybody else- as Marlene had fallen for Sirius. They were as close as siblings so when James had asked her, she'd admitted it. She liked him- a lot. He had also watched as Sirius had fallen for her, it was strange seeing his bestfriend actually liking someone instead of just messing girls around.  James shook his head slightly -this was so confusing- he needed to talk to Marlene. He left the dorms quickly leaving Sirius to stare after him on confusion.

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