Chapter 5

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Sorry guys, there's not to much Jily in this chapter. I know it's short but the next chapter will be on ASAP.
Lily could see Remus standing at the end of the corridor waiting for her so that they could start their prefect rounds. She smiled a little and quickened her steps, she was late, as always. But he was still waiting for her. She smiled again.
Lily loved spending time with Remus. She adored Marlene but there was just something about Remus that made her feel safe. He was her boy best friend.
"Hey," he said, smiling as he noticed her. "Are you okay?"
"Pfft," she said, waving her hand. "There's so much going on today. I'm really glad I'm not a part of any of it."
Remus' fore head creased and he crowned slightly.
"Are you talking about the thing with me and Alanah? Because it's really not that big of a deal," he said quietly.
"No it's not about that... You haven't heard?" She shot him a glance and she smirked. "There's no way I'm dropping that though, you can explain that later."
Remus shook his head slightly but muttered, "sure. So what's this news?"
"Sirius asked Marlene out."
Remus raised an eyebrow. "And this is a big deal because..."
Lily looked at him as they turned around a fourth floor corridor.
"Its a big deal because, this time, he was being serious. And Marlene said no."
At this, Remus' eyes widened fractionally.
"Why did she say no? I was under the impression that she liked him."
Lily's eyebrows knotted in confusion. Only Lily and James knew that Marlene liked Sirius and she had never mentioned it to Remus...
"Did James tell you that because that's a horr-"
She stopped when Remus raised his hand. "James didn't tell me anything. I swear. I guessed."
Something in his eyes told Lily that he was telling the truth. Besides, as much as James annoyed her, she knew he wold never betray Marlene's trust. Remus must be a better judge of character than she thought.
"I think the problem is that she does like him. A lot. I think she's afraid that she likes him more than he like her. She doesn't want to be treated he way he treats other girls."
Remus nodded as if this made perfect sense to him. They walked in silence for a few minutes. Politely greeting nearly-headless Nick as they passed him. After they were several feet away out of hearing distance Lily said, "What was going on with you and Alanah?"
To Lily's surprise, Remus blushed. Lily nudged him playfully.
"You actually like her! Do the boys know?"
"No," he said hastily. "And I'd like it to stay that way, please."
"Of course but, won't they find out when you ask her out anyways?"
"I'm not going to ask her out," he mumbled unintelligibly.
"What?" Lily asked.
"I'm not going to asked her out Lils. It wouldn't work. It couldn't... There are so many things I.. I just can't."
Lily looked at him sympathetically. "Remus, I know you don't like talking about your past, but I'm always here if you want to. You can trust me with anything, I swear."
Remus smiled at Lily, a rare genuine smile. But his face changed almost instantly and he was serious again.
"I do trust you Lils, its about time I explained everything to you anyways. C'mon we'll head to the come and go room."
Lily was startled. She knew that she had told him he could trust her- and she meant it, she would keep his secrets. But, Remus had never really confided anything to her. She was actually quite nervous.
As nervous as she was, Lily couldn't help it. As soon as they turned around the corner into the seventh floor corridor, her stomach did a little flip. She adored the come and go room. It was her favourite place in the castle. Marlene had shown it to her in second year, after James had shown her. Lily loved the magic of the room, how it was always different no matter how many times she went in there. She watched as Remus walked back and forth the spot three times and the door appeared. He gestured for Lily to go in first and she did. When she was just inside the door she paused, this room was perfect. It was huge and the walls were covered with bookshelves, there were various reading in chairs around the room. And in the middle, was a large bed. It was hanging from the ceiling with chains, like a swing. Lily grinned, she knew this room, she'd designed it. Her and Tuney used to play a game, draw your ideal house or dress or room... Well this was her ideal room, and she loved it.
She turned towards Remus, "how did you get this room!?"
"I asked for a place that you would feel relaxed and happy," he raised an eyebrow. "What is this place?"
Lily didn't answer immediately. She walked over to the bookshelf and glanced along the shelves. All her favourite books were here. Both muggle  books and wizard books. She walked over and sat on the bed smiling slightly when is swayed. 
"I designed this room when I was a child," her cheeks heating up. "It's my ideal room. I love it."
Remus smiled brightly. "I love this room, it's great."
Lily smiled back at him and asked gently, "what do you want to tell me Remus?"
Remus' face went suddenly serious and he slowly walked over to the bed and sat next to her. He made sure that he left some distance between himself and Lily. He could see her eyebrows crease and he knew this hadn't escaped her notice. Oh well, he thought bitterly. She'll understand soon enough, and then she will want as much space between us as possible.
"I'll start from the beginning. I had a very good early childhood. My parents were -are- loving. We lived in central London, my dad working as a freelance magical creature exterminator. He borrowed some money off a well known society person to set up a business and well, he couldn't pay it back on the day he agreed. My dad and this man got into an argument and my dad said some really offensive things...  This man, well he took it out on me. When I was 4, he bit me."
He looked at her and realised he would have to say it outright. She didn't understand.
"I'm... Lily I'm a werewolf."

About the cliffhanger... #sorrynotsorry. Mwahahaaa.

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