Chapter 2

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Lily walked into the library only to pause when she saw James sitting at the nearest table. Why the hell is James Potter in the library? She glanced around and then realised that the seats next to James were the only ones empty. She walked over to the Defence Against the Dark Arts section and picked out some book to study from then she took a deep breath and headed towards James Potter. This was going to be awkward.


James was engrossed in his book, he was reading about the reductor curse. He would never admit it but Defence Against the Dark Arts was his favourite lesson and he didn't mind revising for it. He didn't realise somebody was trying to get his attention until they clicked their fingers right in front of his nose. He jumped.

"James," Lily said, an amused look on her face. "Do you mind if I sit here?," she asked.

No, of course not... are you revising for Defence Against the Dark Arts?"

She nodded her head. "How about you?"
"Same," he said smiling, then he looked back down at his book.
I guess that's it for the conversation, Lily thought as she opened the first book. She watched as he took out a long roll of parchment.
James began to write, knowing that this was the only way for him to remember things. Lily glanced up when she heard the scratching of a quill. She looked at James, and smiled to herself. He looked so cute staring down in concentration, his glasses slipping down his nose. She'd never seen this side of him, the side that actually cares about his work. She realised she'd been looking for ages and she looked down and blushed.

"Hey Lily," someone said next to her.

She saw James stiffen but he only looked up. Wow, she thought, usually he would of hexed him by now.

"Hey, Sev how are you?," she said smiling. Severus Snape was the only wizard she'd known before Hogwarts and they'd been friends for years, she sometimes thought he wanted to be more but she never brought it up. Sev was a good friend to her but nothing more.

"I'm fine," he replied. "Why are you sat with Potter?" Obvious distaste was showing on his features.

"James," she said putting emphasis on his name. "Is revising. This was the only spare seat, so I sat here," she shrugged. It didn't matter to her anyways, she kinda thought they were becoming friends now anyways.

James looked down at his paper, not even pretending to write anymore. He thought Lily had sat by him because they were friends. Not because it was the only spare seat. God, he had been stupid. She hated him, he knew that, he packed all his things away and left the library without a word to Lily or Snape. He had to meet the boys in two hours, James sighed. Full moons were always really tiring, of course they couldn't let Remus down he needed his friends. So they would be there, as always.

Lily stared at the library doors her forehead creased with confusion. Why did James leave? She hadn't even noticed him packing his things away. She knew he didn't like Sev and his friends. His friends were very - dark, so she understood. She thought he would at least say goodbye to her. He must hate me, she thought sadly.

"Lily!" Snape said. Snapping her out of her thoughts. "We have a Defense Against the Dark Arts test in three days. We should revise."

"Ok," she muttered. Her thoughts still on James Potter.

That night Lily couldn't sleep. She felt like she had done something terrible and that's why James hated her. Usually she wouldn't let it get to her but when it came to 2 am she realised she wasn't going to be able to sleep anyway. She took a Defence Against the Dark Arts book from her cupboard and went down to the common room being careful not to wake Marlene or Alice.

She sat by the low burning fire and took out her book, at least she get some more of this book read. It was her favourite, Clockwork Princess by Cassandra Clare.


James shook his head, it felt weird having huge antlers on his head. He thought about the first time he turned into stag, it took them 4 months to become animagus. It was done illegally so they didn't have an instructor to help them through the process. James managed to do it first, changing into a huge stag. He thought he'd gone metal and it took him 3 hours to calm himself enough to change back. Sirius managed to do it the next night and they both spent the next two weeks helping Peter to do it.

He walked out to the clearing were the three boys met to see a large black dog and a rat already there. The large, jet black dog rolled its eyes and barked out a sound that sounded like a laugh. James new what Sirius was trying to say; what to you so long!?

He just shook his head and they all traveled through the forbidden forest to wait near to the whomping willow. When they saw Madam Pomfrey return from taking Remus out of the secret tunnel Peter ran down and lured the big, hairy wearwolf out.

James' heart stopped for a second, this was the scary part, the part were Remus could decide to chase them instead of letting them help him.

The night was going quite well in James' opinion. They had run around the forbidden forest chasing a pure white rabbit, but James was glad the moon was going to go down soon. He was extremely tired and they had lessons all day tommorow. He was shaking his at the thought when he realised were they were, they were close to the edge of the forest near the pumpkin patch. James' heart immediately started beating extremely fast, they had been careless. If Remus noticed how close he was to the school he would run for it without a second thought. He tried to walk over to Padfoot without looking suspicious, he gently kicked him with his front leg and flicked his head towards the school.

He saw Sirius' eyes go wide and he he began to run in the opposite direction but Remus didn't want to go. James gently nudged him with his antlers, but Remus was beginning to shake, the change was beginning.

They needed to get him back to the shrieking shack, fast. They got him there eventually and nobody got seriously hurt, Sirius had a long scratch down his front leg but it should be fine once they change back.


James, Sirius and Peter waited until they saw Madam Pomfrey take Remus to the hospital wing before they dragged themselves up to the school. James was really looking forward to putting his pajamas on and finally getting some sleep. They walked into the common room laughing because Peter fell into the missing step on the stairs, when they had a huge shock.

"James? Sirius? Peter? What are you doing out so late after curfew? You have some serious explaining to do."

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