Chapter 6

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"W-wait, please don't do this!" I cried, squirming in his strong grip. "Please!"

I tried to hide my blush from the dumb lines I was saying like some kind of third-rate actress getting taken away. I sound so stupid. I mean, who could ever fall for this bullshit and actually believe I'm being kidnapped?

"Kitten, be a good boy for us. You said no again, even after we told you not to multiple times. You need a punishment." stated Leviathan, loud and clear.

Leviathan looked like he was about to crack up from his subtle lip twitches. I could feel Loki's burning skin as he listened to his twin reciting the lines we made up in the library earlier.

"B-but—!" I was cut off as Leviathan stuffed a sandwich into my mouth.

I know, it's a weird way to shut someone up. But, apparently, Leviathan just really wanted me to try the bread he'd made and see if I liked the sandwich he prepared with it. I thought that was just so cute that I agreed it should be part of our play. And, to be fair, the sandwich was delicious.

I think it was sourdough bread with smoked turkey, a creamy and tangy cheese with sundried tomatoes, and a somewhat spicy aioli. I would totally recommend this to my friends.

"Where are you taking me?" I asked with a freaked out tone, forcing my body to tremble. It was kind of giving me a headache.

With a smirk, Leviathan replied, "Somewhere we won't be disturbed, of course. A place far, far from here."

Technically, that wasn't a lie. The twins will be taking me to a vacation rental cottage about two to three hours from town. It's in the wooded foothills of the nearest mountains. As for why, it's to protect me until the twins can clear out the dangerous guys wanting to "punish" me thanks to Holly. To be honest, I've started to regret my suggestion to let Holly enjoy Francisco's café if she ever apologizes. I should have let my friend do whatever he wanted regarding that bitch.

"Why do you want me?"

Act or not, the twins clearly didn't want to answer right now. It almost seems like they're waiting for something. Maybe from me? But what could that be?

Tingles spread throughout my body in a strangely arousing way when Loki reached up and pushed his fingers through my hair. I squirmed a bit and teetered, which made him tighten my grip to keep me from falling. I noticed Leviathan's concerned expression and hid my blush.


"I'm not trying to escape!" I exclaimed, making people look at us. "I'm just a little uncomfortable in this position."

Leviathan subtly gave me a thumbs up for keeping to the script, but he was giving me a hard glare. It was a little scary, even though I knew he was acting.

"Why are you mad?"

"You're just saying that for Loki to put you down."

I shook my head. "It's nice to not walk for once."

Loki let me slide down a bit until he grabbed my thighs and moved my legs to wrap around his hips instead of being partly over his right shoulder. It was actually much more comfortable than being a human scarf, and I could now hug Loki's neck with ease. I locked my ankles behind him, then stuffed the last bite of the half sandwich into my mouth with my right hand. For support, Loki had curled his right arm around my waist and his left one was holding up my backside.

I felt surprisingly safe in his arms, which was a major plus. And, although I couldn't be sure, it almost looked like Leviathan was a bit envious of his twin. Does he want to carry me? That's cute. Again, why are these hot guys so interested in me? It's borderline suspicious.

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