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friday i'm in love- the cure

the game of spin the bottle didn't last long. they only played for one round after getting bored of richie and eddie's kissing. neither understood the context and didn't stop kissing until stan pulled them apart- quite literally.

"so, what should we do now?" mike asked, that gentle smile still on his face.

"well, we could play truth or dare?" bev suggested. everyone agreed and got themselves comfortable.

"i'll start!" bev nearly shouted. "um, will! truth or dare?"

"uh, truth." will replied, sheepishly.

"okay, uh, do you have a crush?"

will thought about it for a moment, but before he could answer, the doorbell rang. bill and stan jumped up to answer it, the other losers and will followed behind them. stan pulled the door open to see a man standing on the other side. he was holding several bags that said kfc. finally, the food was here! bill and stan filled their hands with the bags, thanked the man and made their way back to the living room. everyone sat down and eddie pulled out a bucket of chicken.

"okay, who ordered this?" eddie asked, holding the ridiculously-sized bucket in front of him.

a smug grin grew on richie's face. "it's for us to share, dr k."

eddie scoffed. "okay, first things first, i can't eat half of that and secondly, don't call me dr k!"

"i'm not asking you to eat half of it, i could eat this shit in 2 minutes, all of it. hold your horses, spaghetti."

"who came up with those shitty nicknames?" stan asked.

"me! i could think of one for you if you want." richie said, his magnified eyes turning to face stan.

"no! richard, i will choke you if you make me a nickname."

"okay, calm down, mr bathtub fetish."

stan tutted away to himself as the group ate their chicken. after about 15 minutes had passed, they threw the containers in the bin and decided to do something. everyone talked over each other, coming up with loads of ideas, most of them horrific. eddie stood up and clapped his hands, getting everyone's attention. "how about we do karaoke?"

everyone agreed except for stan. bill had to force his boyfriend to do it because he was being a "party pooper."

they spun the empty coca-cola bottle to decide who went first and it landed on bill. he stood up and sang an awful version of 'take on me' by a-ha. richie sat and watched, a scared look on his face. bev and mike had to leave the room since they were laughing too much. will, ben and eddie let out quiet laughter every few seconds.

stan stared in awe at his boyfriend.

when the song ended, beverly and mike re-entered the room and everyone clapped. they spun the bottle and it landed on ben. he sang a really bad cover of a 'new kids on the block' song, making beverly grin. when he finished his performance, beverly told a story of how they met and how ben always used to listen to new kids on the block.

after the story ended, they spun the bottle again and it landed on will. he stood up and sang an a capella version of "should i stay or should i go" by the clash, his favourite song. he finished with a bow and went to sit back down, his cheeks an embarrassed shade of red. the bottle spun yet again, this time landing on richie.

"does it have to be an actual song or can i make one up?" richie whined.

"i don't know, is it appropriate?" stan asked.

richie shrugged. "maybe. maybe not."

stan rolled his eyes. "go on, then."

richie stood up and brushed down his shirt. he looked towards his boyfriend. "eddie spaghetti, this one's for you." he said, a smug grin making its way to his face.

"eddie bear, i love you so much." he sang.

"eddie bear, you really should know."

"eddie bear, i love you like no other."

a dramatic pause.

"but you should know, i banged your mother!"

stan put his head in his hands. "knew it. when is richie ever serious?"

richie didn't listen; he carried on singing.

"sonia, i love you so much."

"sonia, you really should know."

"sonia, my love for you just grows and grows."

"just like my peni-"

"pennywise! like his pennywise!" eddie yelled, running over to richie and putting his hand over the boys mouth. richie chuckled to himself.

"you like my song, mr spaghetti?"

"no! it was gross! and don't call me that!" he screamed in his high-pitched voice.

richie laughed at his boyfriends whining. "whatever you say, dr k."


it was around 4am and the group had decided to go to bed. blankets and pillows were thrown around the room, plenty of space for all of them to sleep. ben and beverly slept near each other, as with the other two couples. mike went near richie and eddie as will went near stan and bill. once everyone else had fallen asleep, bill spoke in a sleepy voice:

"stan, will, are you a-awake?"

"yeah, i'm awake." will said, staring at the bland ceiling.

"stan?" bill asked.

"i was asleep until richard fucking tozier kicked me in the shin!" stan whisper-yelled.

"sh!" bill shushed him. "it's suh-saturday tomorrow, wanna g-go to the qu-qu... quarry?"

"just us three? or richard as well?" stan asked, sass in his tone.

"everyone. i'm just asking you g-guys first. y'know, since you're both a-awake."

"i'll check with my mum in the morning, i'll go if i'm allowed." will said, turning to bill and smiling. bill returned the smile and turned to stan.

"stan? you coming?"

"yeah, i'll accidentally drown richie though." stan responded, laughing at his own joke. bill and will laughed aswell before will turned back up to face the ceiling.

"goodnight guys, thanks for looking out for me today." will said, smiling though no one could see.

"goodnight will. s-see you tomorrow hopefully."

"night, will. see you in the morning."


will woke up to see all of the losers, except for eddie, where they fell asleep. he rubbed his eyes and said, groggily, "morning, guys." a chorus of mornings sounded from the group as eddie re-emerged.

"sorry, had to take my medicine."

everyone (except will, of course) rolled their eyes and laughed. bill stood up walked over to the phone. "h-here, will. call your mum or dad and s-see if you c-can c-come to the qu-quarry." he said, his cheeks going red in embarrassment of his stutter. will got up and nodded, dialling in his mothers number. she agreed to him going to the quarry if he got a pair of swim-shorts first. he agreed and put the phone down.

"i can go!" he said, much to the groups happiness. everyone smiled and went home to change. this day was gonna be amazing!

or so will thought...

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