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wildest dreams- taylor swift

will stood outside of the medical room for a moment. he had spent an awful amount of lunchtimes in there, to be honest. the teachers in medical were practically his friends at this point.

not that that was good for his reputation.

the boy gathered his thoughts. okay, i can do this. it's just mike, right? and you know mike! so why is it such a big deal, hey? come on will, just do it!

he knocked on the door.


will was about to walk back to his form room when the tall boy opened the door, covering his face with a random whiteboard. "hi mike." will said after several moments of awkward silence.

mike didn't respond.

he just stared blankly at the shorter boy.

"look, mike i'm sorry-"

"come in." mike said, his voice weak and low. obediently, will walked in, sitting on one of the seats and waiting for mike to sit next to him.

after a few seconds, he did.

"mike, i know we had that argument the other day and we haven't really talked much but i'm so sorry. i can't just.. not talk to you and expect you to come up to me and apologise. i was being unreasonable and i'm really sorry. i.."

will was distracted by the fact that mike was staring at him with tears in his eyes. "mike, are you okay?"

suddenly, mike pulled will into a massive hug.

surprised, will hugged back.

the hug lasted for about 20 seconds before mike released, wiping his eyes.

it was then that will saw mike's entire face for the first time since the fight.

there was a nasty colour underneath his eye, something that would surely turn into a bruise. his lips had deep, red cuts on them; the cuts were probably from richie's long, uncut fingernails. the skin between mike's nose and mouth was stained pink from blood. will's mouth dropped open in shock.

"oh my god." was all he could manage to say.

tears started streaming from mike's eyes. "will, i'm so sorry. i don't know why you apologised for the fact that i was being a total dick. i deserved for your friend to punch me and do this shit to my face. i don't even know why i was acting how i was acting. you're my best friend, will. i fucking love you!"

will was stunned.

he had never expected mike to say those last few words.

mike couldn't say them to his own girlfriend, so why would he be able to say them to will?


mike sighed. "i need you right now, will. i was pushing you away because there's shit going on in my life that needs sorting. i need to find a place to live, i need to find new friends, i need to get the hell away from troy and james, i need to get away from my dad, i need to do everything differently before i screw up again. and i'm sorry that i was being a douche to you. you mean more to me than any other person in the whole world, and i think i showed you my anger because i trusted you."

will stared at the cuts on mike's face, then back up at his chocolate-brown eyes. "thanks but.. i don't understand. why do you need to find a new place to live and find new.." will stopped, sensing that mike was about to say something.

"i told my dad about the argument, which i never do because i hate my dad, but nancy and mum weren't home so i didn't have any other choice. he said some really derogatory shit so i walked out and i don't really think i'm welcome back. not that i wanna be anyway. so i went to stay at lucas's house and everyone was hanging out by the quarry and.. you remember."

"so why aren't they friends with you? nobody was there except for my friends and max."

"no, but max told everyone about what happened and lucas kicked me out. and el dumped me and they're all ignoring me. so i went to troy and james.."

"troy walsh and james dante?" will asked, shocked.

"i don't know! i- i didn't know who else to go to. and they wanted to go and bully people at the park so i did.."

"mike, you don't have to explain yourself."

mike smiled. "w-what?"

"i know that you've been a douche, but when i met you, you were a douche. when we were younger, you broke a kids nose because he broke my yellow crayon, for god's sake!"

mike laughed. "i think some kid's broke my nose now.."

will laughed, too. "deserved."

they both laughed until the room was silent again. then, out of nowhere, mike asked: "what are we?"

"friends." will replied.

"just friends?" mike asked, a teasing smile on his face.

will rolled his eyes. "best friends. is that better?"


will looked at mike, confused. "huh?"

"i said no. i don't wanna be just 'best friends' with you. i want things to go back to the way they were last summer. remember?"

will smiled. "you want us to be boyfriends?"

"well, technically, i didn't say that."

"well, technically, i don't care."

mike laughed. "yeah, yeah, i wanna be boyfriends."

will's cheeks blushed a deep red. "me too."

they smiled at each other, neither knowing what to say. "you know how you were a vampire for halloween one year?" mike asked.

"oh, yeah. why?"

"don't vampires suck blood or something?"


"look at my lips, will." mike said.

will looked at his pink lips, and then back up at mike's face. he smiled. "may i?"

mike laughed. "you may, will the wise."

will's smile grew wider. "never call me that again."

"okay, zombie boy."

"stop!" will laughed.

"never! now kiss me! i'm waiting.." mike said, mid-laugh.

will obeyed, giving the boy a kiss on the lips.

and it was like the world went silent.

because for the first time in both of their lives, they felt truly loved.

it was like heaven.

this is the last chapter i'm gonna do an epilogue though 🫶

1035 words

heaven- byler 🤍Where stories live. Discover now