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As darkness fell on the world, and night emerged rampant, a small piece of ground in a wild forest trembled and stirred. From it rose white bones dressed in scraps of skin, with only a few strands of desiccated long hair to hint at the gender of the creature.

Minerva struggled out of the loam once again, shivering from stress. It wasn't easy for her to intentionally bury herself back into a grave - not after feeling like it was drowning her. She stumbled over to the nearby stream, and gazed down at her reflection. Almost immediately she covered her dry remains of lips to stifle her screams. The unpleasant truth of the previous night struck her deeply once again.

She forced herself to study her reflection - two empty eye sockets, with glittering green flames dancing maniacally inside. A shrunken scrap of skin vaguely shaped like a nose. Thin, dry lips that could belong only to an old corpse. Skin like old parchment,
stretched thin over white bones, torn and ripped around her jaw and neck. A face to cause nightmares.

Her arms were bereft of skin, and her legs were similar. Her pelvis was empty, draped in a few tattered scraps of skin - it seemed her organs had been plundered, either by time or the worms. Her rib cage was bare of all skin, conspicuously hollow, but with a few unexpected organs still in residence. A shrivelled heart, rotting lungs, and an intact oesophagus.

Minerva didn't know how long she'd been dead, but if an undead is a skeleton type they shouldn't retain any soft tissue. No wonder she could scream, and felt like she was drowning.

After seeing her reflection, Minerva wanted to look away and forget about it - but there was one more thing she had to do. Meeting her own burning eyes, she whispered to herself "Status."

A panel popped up, replacing that horrid reflection on the water. It was written in English, quite unexpectedly, but Minerva felt more comfortable with this than the half remembered words of this world. The panel read:

Name: Minerva
Species: Undead (Unique)
Level: 1
Minerva was a girl of 18 from Venison village, famed for its abundant deer monsters. She practiced musical arts until she acquired the class of Bard. Then, she worked on her vocal skills in an effort to become a Songstress. Halfway through the class change quest, she encountered the party of a Hero, and was invited to join them. For a brief time she travelled with them, but separated after a quarrel. A group of bandits caught her while travelling alone and brutally ended her life.
The Hero and his party learned about this three months later, slaughtered the bandits, and the Sage Felicity performed a blessed resurrection spell upon Minerva's grave.
The spell failed because Minerva's soul had been banished into reincarnation, but the power of blessing attached to her musical obsession and took residence in her corpse, and slowly curdled into a curse. With the return of Minerva's soul, her body was resurrected into an Unique Undead.
Aura of Depression (passive) - all beings near to Minerva will be influenced by despair and listlessness, prolonged exposure will cause curses
Curse Song (active) - all beings that hear Minerva's voice will be subjected to negative status, and life drain

After reading her status, Minerva froze in confusion. There were a lot of things that were wrong in the history section, but those abilities were shocking. It's a well known fact that the Undead have certain common abilities: Cold Touch (passive) - drains the life of the living on contact, and Pestilence (passive) - the Undead breeds disease in their bodies, and spreads it to everything they touch.

Minerva looked through her status again, and confirmed it. No Pestilence, and no Cold Touch.

"The Undead feed through life drain abilities. I don't have to touch people to get a meal - guess that's the benefit of being Unique." Minerva grumbled to herself. 

Still, Minerva pondered the doctored history. She never joined the Hero and his party because the guy was a total prick. He had been summoned from another world, and acted like he was above ethics, morality, and common sense. He even had the nerve to ask every woman who was even slightly attractive to join his harem. The way he constantly pestered Minerva to join his party, and climb his bed, was completely insulting.

What's worse is that his party members all happened to be Yanderes. They were insanely jealous of each other, and every other woman the 'hero' looked at for more than 5 seconds. Felicity was the worst of the bunch.

It's more than likely she hired the bandits to murder Minerva, and cursed her corpse on purpose.

Minerva wasn't sure her speculation was correct, and as a level 1 Undead there wasn't much she could do about it.

Instead, she shook her bones, stood up, and shuffled off into the night, ready to find some prey and get dinner.

Cursed Undead Songstress Where stories live. Discover now