Musical Relief

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Minerva carried the young elf for hours, trying to find a shelter for them both. As an Undead, she had to avoid sunlight, while the elf could not survive alone in her current state.

Finally, when dawn was near, Minerva spotted a cave. It looked like it had been an animal lair at some point, but none were in residence just then. It was deep enough to block the light, and protected enough to keep the elf out of danger, so Minerva quickly took the girl inside.

Next, she looked around for food. The child was clearly malnourished, and Minerva had no tools to make fire, so she set her hopes on fruit. When dawn was very nearly covering the sky, and her bones started smarting from the light, Minerva finally found a bush with from berries.

She broke a few branches and took them back to the cave - hopefully the berries weren't poisonous, but there really wasn't another option around.

Even after so long, the elf girl still hadn't woken up. It was starting to worry Minerva. She wished she had an appraisal tool or skill, so she could know what was wrong with her.

Putting the berries next to the elf, Minerva buried herself in the entry of the cave, quietly keeping vigil upon the waking world above.

The day passed so agonisingly slowly, Minerva found it to be a torture. The faint sounds of whimpers from the elf meant she had woken up, and was still in the cave, but nothing else was apparent through the thick insulation of the ground.

To distract herself, Minerva looked at her status again. She was pleasantly and unpleasantly surprised to find that she'd levelled up - but not by much. The good news was that she had picked up two new abilities.

Name: Minerva
Species: Undead (Unique)
Level: 8
Aura of depression (passive)
Curse Song (active)
Song set; - 1. Haven't Seen the Last of Me by Cher, 2. Choke by DON'T KNOW HOW BUT THEY FOUND ME
Audience Participation (active) - when using a song with expected gestures or answering lyrics from the audience, force the listeners to carry them out.
Background Music (passive) - when using a song with more than just vocals, the background music the singer imagines will be projected to the listeners through an audio illusion.

Minerva was really pleased with the background music. Coming from a world full of technology like jukeboxes and iTunes, it was quite jarring to sing everything without accompaniment. At least now she could share the music in her memory more completely.

As darkness fell outside again, Minerva dug herself out quickly. She had practiced enough to get out of the dirt in under two minutes. Carefully searching the cave, her eyes locked onto the huddling elf.

Just as she'd first found her, the elf girl rocked herself and mumbled, but now Minerva had an idea of what to do.

Curse Song is an active ability, so Minerva should be able to sing without using it. Carefully, word by word, she began.

"In the velvet darkness, of the blackest night, burning bright - there's a guiding star. No matter what, or who you are. There's a light (over at the Frankenstein place), there's a light (burning in the fireplace), there's a light, a light, in the darkness, of everybody's lives."

Guitar strings rang out as the background singers called their parts, and slowly the girl's eyes regained clarity. Warily she looked around the dark cave, and startled when she saw the two burning green flames in front of her.

"The darkness must flow, down the river of night's dreaming. Flow Morpheus slow, and let the sun, and light come streaming - into my life, into my life! There's a light (over at the Frankenstein place), there's a light (burning in the fireplace), there's a light, a light - in the darkness, of everybody's lives."

As the song ends, the elf uncurled and pressed herself against the wall behind her back.

"What are you?"

Song set - 3. Over at the Frankenstein Place from the Rocky Horror Picture Show, by Richard O'Brien

Cursed Undead Songstress Where stories live. Discover now