• Sleep paralysis •

716 18 5

3:47am, Glam and Victoria's bedroom

"You useless child."


"Hand, now!"


"Are you trying to embarrass this family?"


"If I see you with that filthy vagabon again I'm going to!-"


I awoke into a sweaty mess, unable to move my body. My eyes popped open, I began to search the room I laid in, only to find a tall figure standing over me. Adjusting to the darkness, I could clearly make out who was standing above me. It was my father, no.. Gustav.

Gustav is the man who raised me. He taught me how to play the violin, though with strict rules. If I failed to play a note correctly or if I conducted in something he didn't approve of then, I would be wiped with his devilish ruler.

I was bought up to be his perfect masterpiece, to fulfil his wishes of me growing to become the worlds next best violinist. Such as Paganini. I never lived up to his wishes however, I left home once I was about 17 years old and joined my closest friend, Ches in a band. I feel this was the best decision I had ever made, as this choice gifted me with a new life I could feel safe in. I now have two children, Heavy and Dee. And my gorgeous wife, Victoria, who is laid beside me.

Shifting my focus towards the man above me, all I could do was stare at his presence while attempting to speak, to no success as I couldn't posses the strength to get my voice out. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't move a single inch of my body. My face is plastered with a look of desperation.

"Look at you. Such filth. This is not the boy I raised!" He hurls in my face, his voice echoing around within the room I laid in.

All I had the strength to do was stare daggers at him, feeling the need to push him off, to keep out distance, though not having control over myself to do so.

"You disgust me. Leaving your family for the rebel! YOU DISGRACE!" His voice raised louder with each word sprouting from his mouth.

I could feel my blood boiling, my body heating up which causes me to begin sweating. My eyes start to run circles around the room, my heart rate increasing.

I feel myself grow offended after listening to the word "family" fall from Gustav's lips. Trying to say as if he was a perfect father, which is of course untrue.

"You weren't anything like a family, not for a second. You piece of crap!" I scream to myself within my head, wanting so dearly to say it right to his smug face.

He suddenly shifted his feet to the floor, slowly revealing a ruler that had been hidden behind him all along.

My face twists at the sight. I ever so lightly clench the sheets beneath me with the little might I held within. Without a second though, he raised the ruler high above his head.

I braise myself for impact by squeezing my eyes shut as tightly as I could.

"This is what you get, flee ridden RAT!"...

I gasp as the weight over my body finally releases me, finally gifting me the strength to sit up. Shaking, I don't know what to do, I forget where I was in this moment. I look down at my wrists that I had shamefully covered with bracelets, when a wave of nausea washed over my entire body. I didn't realise my now awoken wife, Victoria sitting up in a worried matter beside me.

"Glam..? Is everything alright?" She asks, rubbing her eyes to clear her vision.

Victoria and I have been married for about 2 decades now. She has gorgeous ginger hair that flows gracefully down to her waist, constantly kept in a neatly done braid. I obsess over her hot temper, as well as her majestic frame. She's the perfect women, the only one I'd ever want.

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