• Earsdropping •

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Dee's perspective. His room, 9:56am

I had just returned home from hanging out with Lif. She suggested that we go to graveyard near her place so she could sketch a tree there, while I studied for my upcoming exam. It's not like I exactly need to study, I know I'm going to pass. Yet seeing as I had nothing else to do, I just did it anyways.

For my outfit, I just decided to wear my usual outfit; a grey long sleeved coat, blue skinny jeans, a plain black shirt, a chocker, and black boots.

I rush straight to my room after Ma and Heavy began to annoy me, closing my door then locking it before I drop my bag to the floor and sit on my bed. I grab my phone out my pocket, thinking about what to do as I open Instagram and scroll through my feed.

I go to reach for my headphones out of my pocket when I realise I had left them in my bag, so I get up with a groan and walk towards my bag. I pick it up and begin searching all the pockets, finding them in the last pocket I looked in. Of course it was the last place I look, That's so bloody annoying.

I grab my headphones and roll my eyes, sitting once again on my bed. Going to put my headphones on, I suddenly hear a scurry of footsteps rushing towards the door of my room. The door had then been swung open by none other than Heavy.

"What could you possibly want to bother me with now?! Also, try KNOCKING." I yelled at Heavy annoyingly. I've only just returned home and can't catch a moment to myself.

"Now I, once again, get to choose the music we listen to when convenient." I smirk with a smug expression as I suppose, him not knocking is a win in my book.

"Aww man, I don't wanna listen to your cheesy pop music!!" Heavy growls with a frown.

"But!! That's not why I'm here." He quickly rushes his way over to my bed and jumps beside me, riding a disturbed tsk from me.

"What is it, Heavy. Do tell." I roll my eyes, expecting it to just be something so idiotically stupid.

"Well, while you were gone, dad was full in playing his violin in his study!! It was craaazzyy! I can't believe you missed it." Heavy blabs on with a glowing face.

Dad.. playing his violin? Really? This sounds like a joke.

"I really doubt that, Heavy. Your ears must be just as bad as ma's" I chuckle to myself.

"Dad has had that thing sealed off from since I can remember. So, I won't believe it until I hear it myself." I shake my head slightly.

We sit in silence for a split moment, until I see in the corner of my eye, Heavy begin to search through his phone for some unknown reason. Probably realised I'd called him out for being a li-

Then before I could finish my thought, Heavy shoves his phone into my face to expose a video where I can hear the melody of, if I'm correct, Beethoven being played softly. In the video, you can see the shocked face of Heavy as he mouths the words "what the fuck".

I to, am now in a look of disbelief.

"So.. Pa was really playing his violin?" I force my focus over to Heavy.

"YES!! This is why you've just gotta believe me sometimes. He really was!" He retracts his phone from my face and pauses the video.

"That's a little weird.. he's never done that before. Last time I heard of when he played his violin is when uncle Ches and him were in their younger years." I explain to Heavy.

"It's not just a little weird, it's A LOT WEIRD." Heavy yells, sitting himself on his legs.

Heavy has always been one to over exaggerated something. This may be one of this times. As surprising as it is, it's not as if dads just revealed a secret kid or something if the sorts.

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