• Ringing begins •

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7:40am, Glam and Victoria's bedroom

My eyes flutter open as I feel a sudden warm beam of sunlight walk across my face. I turn my head over to Victoria, seeing she is still asleep. I'm not exactly surprised, she's never been a morning person.

I prop myself up in bed and stretch my arms out, turning my body so my legs are now hanging off the bed.

"What a beautiful day!" I think to myself as I take a deep breathe in, then raising myself up to begin my daily routine.

I walk towards my dresser and decide on a twisted sisters t-shirt, dark blue skinny jeans with a matching chocker. I proceed to undress and switch my avatar and to my desired look. Once dressed, I move towards my vanity to begin on my hair and makeup. I fetch all the equipment I need to get ready, though before I could begin, a sudden groan appears from behind me.

"Aauugh.. why the fuck's the sun up already." I hear my wife say with displeasure, carrying on to them tuck her head beneath the covers.

"Good morning Victoria, how did you sleep?" I say fetching a wipe from its packet.

I start in cleansing my face to rid of any pores, or sleep in my eyes.

"I don't even want to talk about it. I hardly got any at all."

I turn my focus towards her as she spoke in-able to hear her more freely.

"Why's that?" I question.

"I was stressing about you, doofus. I just kept on thinking about what could of upset you. I mean, NOTHING gets you down." She looks out from beneath the blankets, now sitting upright.

I place down my smudge brush followed with a slight sigh, turning back to her.

"Did I really cause you to loose sleep?" I respond with an upsetting voice.

"Hey, no! It wasn't you keeping me up, I was just worried is all. My stupid head kept me awake, making me think when I was trying to rest." Victoria groaned when she spoke.

"Maybe you should try heading back to sleep. I can bring breakfast up to you once it's all prepared." I smile at her.

"I guess I should, I mean my body is so exhausted right now. Thanks, Glam. Wake me up once you bring it up ay? I know I'll be out like a light." She laid her head back on a pillow and dozed right back to sleep.

I turn back to the vanity while continuing to apply my signature eyeshadow. Soon enough I finish and move to styling my hair.

Pleased with the outcome of my look, I close the door once I've left the room and make my way towards the bathroom. I walk in and open the cabinet above the sink, searching through it to find my medication. After I've found them, I take a couple then begin to brush my teeth.

"I feel so guilty that I'm the reason Victoria couldn't sleep.." I think to myself with shame.

"I hope she's resting well now."

Time skip 8:34am, Kitchen

I start preparing the kitchen so I can beginning cooking breakfast for everyone. I decided on some omelettes with sliced tomatoes on the side, sprinkled with chives. Oiling down the pan and turning up the heat, I crack open a few eggs into the pan and let them sit. Whilst cooking, I begin to hear a ringing in my ear. It catches me off guard but I ignore it, presuming it's just a bug and carry on cooking. Though as I go on it continues to get louder until I feel I can't hear a thing. I turn off the stove and start walking towards the bathroom to see if there was any abnormalities on my ears. Already inside I take a glance in the mirror, all to see nothing is wrong.

"What's up with this ringing?" I kept thinking.

I open the cabinet and find some panadol to ease my now throbbing headache, in hopes to also stop the ringing. Taking a deep breathe in, I proceed back into the kitchen and proceed with breakfast. Turning the stove back on I hear some footsteps beside me. I look over to see my eldest son, Dee, looking as if he had just woken up.

"Morning'." He grumbled.

"Good morning, Dee! Did you sleep well?" I chirp.

"I guess so, I heard you and mum fighting though. What was all that about?" He sat down at the table, looking down at his phone while talking.

"Oh, uh, we weren't fighting. It was just some.. miscommunication. Nothing to be concerned about!" I continue to cook.

"Uh-huh, well I didn't hear much anyways." He stated.

Going to respond back, I could feel the impact of the ringing in my head, causing me to cling onto one of my ear to try and cover the noise.

"Dad, are you alright?" Dee asked, looking up from his phone.

"I-I'm fine, Dee." I quickly try and brush it off as I don't want my family seeing me as weak.

I could feel his concerned stares from behind me as I started dishing up breakfast. I just ignored them, even though it made me feel uncomfortable.

"Dee, could you please fetch Heavy for breakfast?" I turn to him and smile.

"Whatever." He sighs once he got up before then walking up the stairs.

I watch him walk away then proceed to set the table. I place down all the cutlery side by side then walk back to grab everyone's plates. I place them down in front of their seats, though while trying to gather out the cups, the ringing strikes again, causing me to drop the glass cup I had just grabbed out and cling onto my ears once again. I couldn't hear Victoria running down the stairs as the ringing was overwhelmingly loud.

"****!" "*** *** ****?!" "***!"

I could feel a pair of hands grip onto my shoulders.

"Glam!!" I could finally hear Victoria's screaming.

I looked into her eyes in shock as her scream frightened me, letting go of my ears.

"Glam, what the hell is wrong?! Could you not hear me?" She continued to yell while she shook me.

I just stared at her, not realising our children hidden behind us.

"I-I'm sorry, Vicky." I look down, noticing the scattered glass.

"Oh crap! Let me clean this up before someone steps in it." I try breaking from her strong embrace to clean up, but only for her to grip tighter.

"That can wait. What is wrong with you, Glam? This isn't like you at all. You've been acting like some rando recently!"

"Victoria, please. I explained this all last night. Nothing is wrong." My heart began to race, not knowing what do to.

"Like fuck I'll believe that! You haven't been getting any sleep at all, constantly rushing out the room at ungodly hours of the night. Just tell me what's going on, Glam!" She stared at me dead in the eyes with a mix of anger, concern and betrayal.

I feel horrible. My wife should never have to feel like this because of my stupidity. It hurts knowing that she feels like this because of me.

"If you won't talk to me, at least talk to Ches. He should know." She sighed then let go of me. Walking back up the stairs leaving me alone, or so I thought.

As she walked away, I came to realise Dee and Heavy had been standing there the entire time.

"Dad.. is-"

"Everything is fine, Dee. Sit down and eat before your food gets cold." I interrupt him.

They both sat down and began to eat. I could feel a concerning aura floating in the room as they both sat in silence, eating their food.

"This is going to be a long day.."

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