• She knows •

465 9 11

Victorias perspective. 9:36am, Their bedroom

Sitting on our bed, I couldn't help but feel pissed off at Glam. I mean, this idiot! Why wont he just tell me what's wrong?! It can't be that hard, seeing how I tell him stuff all the time. Why is this any different? These past couple weeks he's been mumbling some shit in his sleep, it's hard to make out what he's saying half the time but I can manage to hear some things. Most of the things I hear are pretty concerning, and I feel bad for listening but if he won't tell me then I need to find out a different way.

I decide to go to the bathroom for some medicine, all this thinking have me a rotten headache. I get up from the bed, beginning to walk towards the bathroom. Before I entered I heard a voice leaving Glams office causing me to turn around, it was Ches.

"Leave the windows unlocked for me hey?" I hear him say while he walks out the room.

We both make eye contact.

"Yoo Victoria. What's up?" He stood at the door while placing his hands in his pockets.

"What are you doing here?" I ask in a civil way.

"Glam and I were just uhh, planning something for the weekend."

I could tell that was an obvious lie, I was the one who told Glam to invite him over anyway to talk about his shit. I feel like asking him about what's going on with Glam but knowing Ches, he wouldn't open up about his situation either.

"I'm gonna go but I'll see you another time." I watch as he begins to walk down the stairs, I can hear him then say goodbye to Heavy before he stumbles through the window.

After that I walk into the bathroom and turn on the tap, grabbing a cup and filling it with some water before opening the cabinet to search for the panadol. I move a couple of bottles to the side and push my hand into the back to try reach the panadol, when all of a sudden an unfamiliar medicine bottle fell to the floor.

"The fuck? Whose is this?" I think while I crouch down to pick it up.

I stand back up and look at the bottles label to try and figure out who this belongs to. I read the label only to the see an unrecognisable name, "Sebastian" written in bold letters, followed with the word "anti-depressants" underneath. I could feel my eyes widen, my head was filled with so many questions all at once. Who the fuck is Sebastian? And-

I cut my thoughts off before talking.

"Glam.." I spoke softly.

My eyes widen as I catch myself in a state of shock. What the hell is this? Is this actually Glams? It can't be anyone else's. I mean it's obviously not mine, Heavy's too young to even know what anti-depressants are, and if these were Dee's then he'd have them hidden somewhere in his room, so it has to be his.

I just kept staring at the bottle and reading the label over and over just to make sure I didn't read it wrong, but every time I read the same thing. What the hell is going on? What else has Glam been hiding from me? This is just stupid now. I need to know what's going on, or I'm seriously going to loose my shit.

The only thing I know about Glam before I met him was that his dad was some rich old guy. I've only ever seen one photo of Glam when he was like seventeen (17), he was wearing a suit. He seriously looked nothing like what he does now! But if what he's hiding has something to with this past, I need to know.

After thinking for a bit I just ended up shoving the medicine bottle into my pocket then continued with taking some panadol, followed with a big gulp of water. I let out a sigh before placing a hand on my face. I just knew something was wrong with him but I never really wanted to admit it. Glams always been a cheerful person, I knew someone couldn't be that happy all the time. I need to confront him about this but fuck, how can I when every time I've tried I get pushed away? It's not easy to crack him. I learnt that after trying to ask him about his sister, Lydia. I hate that lady with a passion, she's such a bitch.

I massage the bridge of my nose before I walk out the bathroom and downstairs to see Dee walking through the front door.

"Where've you been all day?" I ask him sarcastically.

"I was with a friend, but that's none of your business. And by the way, dad put your food in the fridge so eat it before it gets bad." He told me before walking into the kitchen and getting himself some water.

"I didn't know you had friends!" I laugh as I walk up to him and nudge his shoulder with my elbow, then grabbing my food from the fridge.

I try lightening my mood to forget about my feelings, but I still can't brush off my worry.

I could hear Heavy laughing in the background from the living room, causing me to slightly smile.

"AHAHA SHE GOT YOU DEE." He screamed from the lounge.

"Shut up Heavy!" Dee swung his head towards Heavy's direction as he yells.

"Come on you little princess, lighten up! I was just kidding anyways." I walk over to Dee and place my hand on his shoulder.

"I'm going to my room." He shrugged my hand off and stormed up to his room.

"Jeez, some people can't take jokes nowadays." I say loudly, hoping for him to hear it.

I put my plate in the microwave and begin to heat it up, I put it in for 2 minutes. While Im
I'm waiting, I start thinking about Glam and the scene we had this morning. I got alerted when Dee came to wake me up and I heard glass shatter downstairs. I raced out of bed because I thought he might of been hurt but all I saw was Glam covering his ears. Why the hell was he covering them? Is he hiding something there to? I Just don't even know anymore.

Beep beep beep

The microwave broke me out of my thoughts as it went off, telling me it's finished heating up my food. I open the door to have steam wash over my face, causing me to cough as I swat the steam away. I grab out my food and place it on the table, reaching for my cutlery on the bench before sitting down.

I start eating, well more like inhaling my food because I'm starving and haven't eaten all morning. Glam's such a good cook, he can seriously make anything if he puts his mind to it. Though he cooks all the healthy shit, I'm the one who cooks the meats. And I've gotta say that I'm pretty good myself.

I smirk to myself.

When eating some of my food, I hear footsteps coming from in front of me. I look up to see that Heavy had walked in.

"Hey mum, when are you going to talk to dad?" Heavy asked, resting his elbows on the table and placing his head into his hand.

"I don't know, Heavy. Obviously he needs to just be in his own little bubble right now. He's gonna have to talk to me eventually though." I roll my eyes.

"Hm.. Hey, did you hear dad playing the violin?! He never plays it! But he was going at it for a good like 5 minutes!!" He starts to yell like a little toddler.

"Shut up and lower your voice! No, I didn't hear him. I was in our bedroom, you can't hear shit from in there when the doors shut." I pause after talking.

"Wait.. but isn't his violin off limits?" I look at Heavy with a shocked and confused expression.

"Yeah it is! That's why I'm so hyped about it, duh?" He slaps his head with his palm before lowering his hand back onto the table.

"What the fuck.. why the hell was he playing it then?" I put down my fork and scrunch my fists.

Why is he acting like this?! Playing his ever so precious violin, a secret name, shit he won't tell me? This is really pissing me off.

"Fuck this." I stand up with my hands on the table.

"Wow, why are you angry? You're not mad at him for playing the violin, are you? I mean if you are, that's a pretty shitty reason." Heavy stood up straight and stared up at me.

"Shut it. I'm pissed for a completely different reason. Just go and stay in your room, Heavy." I begin walking towards the stairs.

"You're dad and I need to talk."

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